Tag Archives: engagement

White House hit for equivocation on stopping ‘genocide’

Is preventing genocide in America’s core interest? Pressed by journalists, White House press secretary Josh Earnest walked a fine line on Thursday noting that “each of these instances” will be “evaluated on a case-by-case basis in terms of what the…

How to get ripped shoulders

(diego cervo) We’ve all heard the expression “shoulders make the man,” and that old maxim definitely still applies. Although big arms and a great midsection are often lauded as the hallmarks of an ideal body, the simple fact of the…

Everyone Must Go, If We Want to Win In Afghanistan

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and numerous other Democratic political leaders chastised General David Petraeus during his Iraq surge testimony in September 2007. A full-page placed by MoveOn.org in The New York Times labeled General Petraeus “General…

Petraeus Must Change War Strategy or Risk Failure

It is unfortunate that President Obama had to accept Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s resignation for his serious lack of judgment with the Rolling Stone article. McChrystal has been a superb warfighter, but this was way out of bounds. I have had…