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Tag Archives: executive
Soft-on-crime policies leading to more crime?
As overcrowding and budget shortfalls plague U.S. jails, the response increasingly has been to go softer on sentencing.
But that trend is raising concerns that the jails are only feeding the problem, releasing criminals who in turn go on to…
ISIS threat: America ignores growing anarchy in Iraq at its peril
A very prominent Iraqi –a former senior official and ambassador, now out of Iraq — called the other day to relay the urgent dilemma of his cousins, who live outside Haditha, a Sunni stronghold in western Iraq.
Haditha is the…
Drama surrounding Met’s Klinghoffer opera playing out on and off stage
The political conflict between Jews and Arabs is now being played out both on the opera stage and behind the curtain.
Just last week, New York’s Metropolitan Opera, by all accounts the gold standard of the international opera world, canceled…
Obama’s drone warfare: A legal way to kill?
When President Obama decided sometime during his first term that he wanted to be able to use unmanned aerial drones in foreign lands to kill people — including Americans — he instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to find a way…