As I write in my new book Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership, I am a committed internationalist. I believe that the United States is a force for good and that yes, we do have things to teach the world.
It is this style of what I call “assertive democratic idealism,” that I believe the United States can, and should, pursue both within our own borders and around the world.
While I continue to have concerns with the Trump Administration’s ‘America First’ strategy, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have initially approached the Venezuelan Crisis with the level of seriousness and assertiveness the situation demands.
The Venezuelan people believe in and are fighting for democracy and freedom, and we must support their efforts.
To be sure, the crisis in Venezuela has been growing for years, and with Secretary Pompeo confirming the removal of all U.S. diplomatic personnel last week, it is time for the United States to consider options that will yield tangible results.
As I detail in Collapse, the world is desperately in need of American leadership.
The first two years of the Trump administration were largely focused on reducing America’s presence on the global stage. President Trump has alienated our allies and consistently attacks many of the most important international institutions protecting the post-war order, especially NATO.
President Trump’s support for Guaido’s government is a strong step toward restoring American leadership on the global stage.
Indeed, Guaido replacing Maduro as President would create a much more stable and more prosperous Latin America.
American foreign policy has long been focused on spreading democracy and freedom around the world. Yet, the Trump administration’s lack of a clear foreign policy agenda has strayed away from these previous endeavors.
The more active role that President Trump has recently taken toward Venezuela makes it clear that the President is still interested in American leadership abroad. While President Trump has largely had a hands-off foreign policy, I advocate for more active engagement in Venezuela.
The seriousness of the situation in Venezuela calls for American intervention. The US must explore military options with Latin American allies, especially the Brazilians whose President, Jair Bolsonaro, President Trump met with this week in Washington, to support Guaido’s government and ensure that the people of Venezuela get the aid they need and once again have a democracy.
As it stands, Russia, Cuba, and China all support the Maduro regime which is killing civilians, and holding five innocent Americans in jail.
The United States and the international community have attempted to assist Guaido’s government peacefully through diplomacy and sanctions. However, it appears as though this is no longer enough.
The most effective ways to unseat Maduro will be through the presence of American troops in South America and the legitimate threat of military action.
Maduro’s government has blocked roads and bridges that connect Venezuela to its neighbors, effectively shutting the country off from any international aid. This blockade must end.
Earlier this year, National Security Advisor John Bolton was seen carrying a piece of paper that said 5,000 troops for Colombia. These troops will be necessary to ensure that the people of Venezuela get the aid they need.
The presence of US troops would not be there to forcefully invade Venezuela, but to ensure that aid and support can finally make it to the Venezuelan people.
To be clear, this is a humanitarian crisis, and Maduro cannot get away with it. My book Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership makes clear why the world needs American leadership. It is time that President Trump takes action and works with the international community to safeguard the Venezuelan people’s human rights and defend democracy.
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Last week, the citizens of Venezuela faced a week-long blackout, disrupting access to communications, an almost valueless currency, and basic drinking water. Even though electricity is now restored, it is now clearer than ever that the Maduro regime must be replaced.
As I write in my new book Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership, I am a committed internationalist. I believe that the United States is a force for good and that yes, we do have things to teach the world.
It is this style of what I call “assertive democratic idealism,” that I believe the United States can, and should, pursue both within our own borders and around the world.
While I continue to have concerns with the Trump Administration’s ‘America First’ strategy, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have initially approached the Venezuelan Crisis with the level of seriousness and assertiveness the situation demands.
The Venezuelan people believe in and are fighting for democracy and freedom, and we must support their efforts.
To be sure, the crisis in Venezuela has been growing for years, and with Secretary Pompeo confirming the removal of all U.S. diplomatic personnel last week, it is time for the United States to consider options that will yield tangible results.
As I detail in Collapse, the world is desperately in need of American leadership.
The first two years of the Trump administration were largely focused on reducing America’s presence on the global stage. President Trump has alienated our allies and consistently attacks many of the most important international institutions protecting the post-war order, especially NATO.
President Trump’s support for Guaido’s government is a strong step toward restoring American leadership on the global stage.
Indeed, Guaido replacing Maduro as President would create a much more stable and more prosperous Latin America.
American foreign policy has long been focused on spreading democracy and freedom around the world. Yet, the Trump administration’s lack of a clear foreign policy agenda has strayed away from these previous endeavors.
The more active role that President Trump has recently taken toward Venezuela makes it clear that the President is still interested in American leadership abroad. While President Trump has largely had a hands-off foreign policy, I advocate for more active engagement in Venezuela.
The seriousness of the situation in Venezuela calls for American intervention. The US must explore military options with Latin American allies, especially the Brazilians whose President, Jair Bolsonaro, President Trump met with this week in Washington, to support Guaido’s government and ensure that the people of Venezuela get the aid they need and once again have a democracy.
As it stands, Russia, Cuba, and China all support the Maduro regime which is killing civilians, and holding five innocent Americans in jail.
The United States and the international community have attempted to assist Guaido’s government peacefully through diplomacy and sanctions. However, it appears as though this is no longer enough.
The most effective ways to unseat Maduro will be through the presence of American troops in South America and the legitimate threat of military action.
Maduro’s government has blocked roads and bridges that connect Venezuela to its neighbors, effectively shutting the country off from any international aid. This blockade must end.
Earlier this year, National Security Advisor John Bolton was seen carrying a piece of paper that said 5,000 troops for Colombia. These troops will be necessary to ensure that the people of Venezuela get the aid they need.
The presence of US troops would not be there to forcefully invade Venezuela, but to ensure that aid and support can finally make it to the Venezuelan people.
To be clear, this is a humanitarian crisis, and Maduro cannot get away with it. My book Collapse: A World in Crisis and the Urgency of American Leadership makes clear why the world needs American leadership. It is time that President Trump takes action and works with the international community to safeguard the Venezuelan people’s human rights and defend democracy.