Tag Archives: world

UN investigators said to take nude photo, ask about prostitution in under-age rape case

This undated filed photo shows MINUSCA, the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), on patrol in the capital Bangui. (UN photo) Please see the bottom of story for update EXCLUSIVE: United Nations peacekeeping investigators looking…

The latest in non-lethals: A stink bomb for crowd control

You may have heard of non-lethal weapons like Tasers, plastic bullets, flash bangs and smoke grenades. But there’s a new kid on the block that has taken the playground concept of stink bombs to the next level. Skunk is like…

Hillary Clinton, what are you thinking? We don’t need another education subsidy

If elected president, Hillary Clinton has promised to spend $350 billion to make college “more affordable.” The U.S. already has an $18 trillion debt (and growing by the day), but Clinton wants to add to it. That’s not affordable. Too…

Can the rules of comedy save your marriage?

Laughter— it makes you feel good, puts you in a better mood and can even boost your health. In fact some studies suggest a good chuckle can lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. But could laughter help a…

Q&A: ‘The Conservative Heart’

One of the best political reads of the summer is “The Conservative Heart” by Arthur Brooks. I caught up with author on his book tour: Dana Perino: I underlined many passages of the book, including the three components of the…

Rep. Ron DeSantis on terror suspect accused of trying to attack Key West beach

This is a rush transcript from “Your World,” July 28, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Remember those Tunisia attacks where, you know, a guy just rampaged a beach…

Classic video game trivia with the cast of ‘Pixels’

PAC-MAN, Donkey Kong are among other classic arcade characters starring at your local theater in “Pixels.” The action-comedy features Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Josh Gad, Peter Dinklage, and Michelle Monaghan in the story of former video game champions called upon…

How ‘smart skin’ could revolutionize military vehicles

New “smart skin” for military vehicles could let them “feel” their environment, similar to a human. The skin, for example, could let combat aircraft detect any damage by “feeling” the injury. BAE Systems’ U.K. division is developing the Smart Skin…

‘Showing the truth’: Kurdish pop star takes on ISIS with beauty, song

Helly Luv struggled to make it as a pop star in Hollywood, then followed her dream in the service of her people. She’s been likened to Shakira and Lady Gaga, but Helly Luv, the Kurdish pop star who is using…