Tag Archives: president

With Seniors’ Healthcare At Risk, Congress Cannot Strike Midnight Deal

This past Thursday, reports started to emerge that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were getting closer to an agreement on overall government spending. The rumored plan included a two year raise of budget…

What the Movement In President Trump’s Approval Rating Actually Means

Last week, President Trump’s approval rating dropped to its lowest level since March 7, with the most recent RealClearPolitics average indicating a 40.8% job approval. On March 7, the White House was battling the departure of Gary Cohn, the Dow…

After Charlottesville, Unity Must Come Before All Else

If the events in Charlottesville, Virginia have revealed anything to me, it is that we are lacking any real efforts to unify our country. No political party has undertaken the awesome responsibility of unifying our country. Instead, our political leaders,…

As Hillary’s poll numbers drop, candidate Clinton plays dirty

President Obama came into office promising to unify America, but he has made political discourse meaner and more cynical. Whenever Mr. Obama is playing a weak hand, he questions the motivations of those who disagree with him and mangles the…

Sanders Trumps Hillary

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Sanders Trumps Hillary• 2016 GOP Power Index: Carly climbs on knockout debate• Trump expands attacks• Power Play: Hayes takes his five• To be or not to…