Tag Archives: articles

Investigations Remain Important, But Bipartisan Policies Are Now Essential

Early last week, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Representative Jerry Nadler launched a comprehensive investigation into President Trump and his associates. Rep. Nadler sent out 81 letters demanding documents which indicates the broad scope of the new Congressional…

Now is the Time to Finally Get Rid of IPAB

Despite the recent display of bipartisanship between the Trump administration and Congressional Democratic leaders in regard to a new debt ceiling agreement, health care remains one of the most divisive issues on Capitol Hill. After multiple failed attempts to repeal…

After Charlottesville, Unity Must Come Before All Else

If the events in Charlottesville, Virginia have revealed anything to me, it is that we are lacking any real efforts to unify our country. No political party has undertaken the awesome responsibility of unifying our country. Instead, our political leaders,…