Tag Archives: american

With Seniors’ Healthcare At Risk, Congress Cannot Strike Midnight Deal

This past Thursday, reports started to emerge that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were getting closer to an agreement on overall government spending. The rumored plan included a two year raise of budget…

Encouraging Findings from the 2018 Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Study

Last week, we observed Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, to commemorate the approximatively six million Jews who lost their lives in The Holocaust. As time passes and The Holocaust becomes a more distant point in history, it is vital…

What every parent knows (and Target doesn’t) about boys and girls

G.K. Chesterton, a prolific writer of the early 20th century, once said, “Don’t be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” Nowhere is this mantra more evident than with the latest news about Target’s gender-neutral policy. The retail giant has…

Hillary Clinton, what are you thinking? We don’t need another education subsidy

If elected president, Hillary Clinton has promised to spend $350 billion to make college “more affordable.” The U.S. already has an $18 trillion debt (and growing by the day), but Clinton wants to add to it. That’s not affordable. Too…

What my mother’s last twelve hours could teach America

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in the Republican Party? Do you want to change the direction of America under Obama? Well then I have a magical story to share with you. This story has the power to…

America and guns: Why do so many stoke paranoia about firearms?

My town, New York City, enforces rigid gun laws. Police refused to assign me a gun permit. The law doesn’t even let me hold a fake gun on TV to demonstrate something. But New York politicians are so eager to…

Officials: Israel spy Pollard granted parole, to be freed in November

Jonathan Pollard, who spent the last 30 years in a U.S. prison for spying for Israel, has been granted parole and is due to be released in November, officials said Tuesday. The decision, confirmed by his attorneys and the Justice…

Karl Rove writing book about 1896 presidential election and why it still matters

NEW YORK – Republican consultant Karl Rove, when not advising the super political action committee he helped found or commenting on politics, has been researching a presidential election that has long fascinated him. The co-founder of American Crossroads and former…

Taxpayers funding portion of Smithsonian’s Bill Cosby art exhibit?

LOS ANGELES – Despite the dozens of accusations of drugging, rape and sexual assault against Bill Cosby, the federally-funded Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art is continuing with its current exhibition “Conversations: African and African American Artworks in Dialogue,” which…