Tag Archives: major

What the Movement In President Trump’s Approval Rating Actually Means

Last week, President Trump’s approval rating dropped to its lowest level since March 7, with the most recent RealClearPolitics average indicating a 40.8% job approval. On March 7, the White House was battling the departure of Gary Cohn, the Dow…

Hillary: Trump, Republicans all alike

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Hillary: Trump, Republicans all alike• Nurses side with Bernie• Jeb points the finger at Hillary for ISIS rise• Perry peoples’ pay plight• Tale of the flying…

Trump, Cruz, Carson and more: Your guide to scoring the Republican debate

Is this the dumbest idea of the 2016 campaign? Or is it the smartest? The New York Times recently reported that several top Republican donors wanted GOP candidates to boycott the primary debates to signal their distaste for billionaire real…

Perry points way forward for GOP on race

What is Rick Perry up to? The former Texas governor looks to be cutting himself out of the conservative herd. He recently blasted his fellow Republicans for losing “our moral legitimacy as the party of Lincoln, as the party of…

Major Garrett dares to ask Obama about Americans still held in Iran and liberal media freaks out

Journalists are supposed to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Except when the comfortable guy is liberal President Barack Obama and the afflicted are four Americans trapped in Iranian jails. Then when you ask that question, all hell breaks…

History shows checkered Iranian cooperation with inspections

It was February, 2012, and inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency had information Iran was developing a nuclear warhead at its sprawling Parchin military complex 25 miles southeast of Tehran. A five-member team led by Deputy Director General Herman…

Are Airlines Conspiring to Keep Prices High?

The Justice Department is investigating price collusion among the airlines. Just two years ago, The Obama Administration approved the merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways, and now just four airlines control some 80% of the market. Prices have been…

Supreme Court rules against EPA on power plant regs

In a major win for the energy industry, the Supreme Court ruled Monday against the Environmental Protection Agency’s effort to limit certain power plant emissions — saying the agency “unreasonably” failed to consider the cost of the regulations. The rules…

Will missing e-mails hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign?

This is a rush transcript from “Special Report,” June 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SHANNON BREAM, GUEST ANCHOR: All right, we have another topic today that we want to make…

Solar eclipse: Green groups fight sun-powered plant over Bighorn worries

One might expect environmentalists to fight a new power plant, but a new battle being waged by California green groups against a solar facility shows there may be something new under the sun, after all. A solar-powered plant proposed by…