Tag Archives: private

Why Businesses Need to Engage in the Fight Against Gun Violence

At the end of last month, a gunman entered a synagogue in Poway, California and open fired with an A.R. 15-style gun, killing one person and severely wounding three others. And just like that, the nation was once again mourning…

LA ‘black ball’ reservoir rollout potential ‘disaster’ in the making, say experts

LA’s scheme to cover a reservoir under 96 million “shade balls” may not be all it is touted to be, experts told FoxNews.com, with some critics going so far as to refer to the plan as a “potential disaster.” The…

Classified emails from Clinton aides kick-started FBI probe, candidate downplays controversy

EXCLUSIVE: An email from a top Clinton adviser containing classified military intelligence information, and one from a top aide containing classified information about the Benghazi terror attack, were the documents that kick-started the FBI investigation into the mishandling of classified…

Biden out of time: Yes or no, Joe?

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Biden out of time: Yes or no, Joe?• Hillary shoves off Obama on ISIS• Trump wobble on immigration draws heat from right• Power Play: Cuyahoga countdown•…

Why selling baby parts should shock no one

“…if we come to see ourselves as meat, then meat we shall become.” — Leon Kass, M.D., “Toward a More Natural Science” What is most shocking about an undercover video of a conversation between Deborah Nucatola, a Planned Parenthood executive,…

Bipartisanship and the promise of the 21st Century Cures Act

Don’t look now, but a wave of bipartisanship is sweeping across Capitol Hill – and this time it’s a matter of life and death. Ok, maybe it’s more of a ripple, but at this stage of stalled legislative progress, that’s…

Ambitious new tech aims to revolutionize touchscreens

(GHOST) The ambitious GHOST (Generic, Highly-Organic Shape-Changing Interfaces) research project is building technology that will let consumers use their fingertips to literally drag data out of touchscreen displays, bringing it into the 3D world. GHOST is the brainchild of four…

Paul: ‘Very good chance’ Clinton lied about knowledge of arms to rebels in Libya, Syria

Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Wednesday that he believes “there’s a very good chance” Hillary Clinton was lying when she said in 2013 that she didn’t know about the alleged U.S.-backed flow of weapons to rebels in Libya and Syria…

EXCLUSIVE: Mammoth federal hack part of broader campaign against the U.S., experts say

The spectacular hacking assault on the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management is just part of a broader, systematic campaign against the most valuable U.S. cyber-assets, public and private, that is ongoing and likely includes operations inside classified U.S. government…