Tag Archives: california

Why Businesses Need to Engage in the Fight Against Gun Violence

At the end of last month, a gunman entered a synagogue in Poway, California and open fired with an A.R. 15-style gun, killing one person and severely wounding three others. And just like that, the nation was once again mourning…

Black-balled: LA tries spherical scheme to block evaporation amid drought

Is a bevy of black balls – 96 million to be exact – a crucial solution in helping California manage its calamitous drought? On Monday, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti deployed the final 20,000 of the 96 million “shade balls”…

Can the rules of comedy save your marriage?

Laughter— it makes you feel good, puts you in a better mood and can even boost your health. In fact some studies suggest a good chuckle can lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. But could laughter help a…

Countdown to 1st GOP Debate

President Obama unveiling strict new controls on pollution today. The rules and regulations are designed to drastically cut the amount of greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere. Many corporations and states are poised to file lawsuits to challenge the…

Audi RS 7 Autonomous Concept drops 880 pounds, laps Sonoma Raceway

(Audi) Step by step, a fully autonomous Audi is edging closer to reality. Late last year we saw the brand with the four rings ;send an RS 7 concept around Germany’s Hockenheimring without anyone onboard. Impressively, the car lapped the…

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Arizona’s right to independent redistricting commission

WASHINGTON – In a blow to some lawmakers in the Grand Canyon state, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sided with Arizona’s system of having an independent commission redraw congressional districts. The 5-4 outcome preserves efforts in 13 states to…

‘All about the money’: Motorists plagued by sky-high Calif. traffic ticket fines

Casey Campbell served two tours in Iraq, but the fight of his life is in California. After driving without a seat belt and no front plate, he got a $25 traffic ticket that jumped to $300 with assessments and surcharges.…

Most illegal immigrants from border surge skipped court date after release, records show

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrant women and children streamed across the U.S. border last year seeking asylum and protected status, claiming a “credible fear” of going home to the violence in Central America. President Obama addressed the crisis through…

Bon Jovi, Lady Gaga headlining Clinton fundraising spree

WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton embarked Monday on an aggressive campaign dash across the United States, further fueling questions about whether the front-running Democratic presidential candidate is having a harder time than expected locking down the Left in the face of…

The real ‘Terminator:’ Robots compete in the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge

While “Terminator Genysis” brings back a fictional world ruled by robots to movie screens later this month, thanks to the U.S. military, the prospect of military robot military warfare became closer to reality thanks to the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge.…