Tag Archives: california

Solar eclipse: Green groups fight sun-powered plant over Bighorn worries

One might expect environmentalists to fight a new power plant, but a new battle being waged by California green groups against a solar facility shows there may be something new under the sun, after all. A solar-powered plant proposed by…

Trump 2016? – Jeb Bush Makes It Official

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush takes the stage as he formally joins the race for president with a speech at Miami Dade College, Monday, June 15, 2015, in Miami. (AP Photo/David Goldman) Controversial television personality and businessman Donald Trump expected…

Donald Trump for president? The 2016 race just got fun

I know. I know. “Trump is flawed” the critics say. “He is a clown.” “He is a buffoon.” “He’s divorced…twice.” “He has business bankruptcies.” Yes, all true. And Reagan was a failed B-movie actor who played second fiddle to a…

An open letter to my friends Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee

Dear Governors Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee. Old friends, I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m pretty sure that all three of you will be asking me to campaign for you somewhere along “the trail.” It will,…

Martin O’Malley Set to Throw His Hat in Ring for White House

Martin O’Malley attends the 2015 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel on Saturday, April 25, 2015, in Washington. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP) Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley set to announce he is running for President tomorrow…

Truth Serum: Congress flying first class

This is a RUSH transcript from “The O’Reilly Factor,” May 27, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Watch “The O’Reilly Factor” weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET! O’REILLY: “Truth Serum Segment”…

Mr. Obama, climate change didn’t create ISIS, Boko Haram

I didn’t attend my commencement ceremony at American University in Washington, D.C. I chose instead to receive my degree in the mail. I didn’t want to listen to a boring speaker, likely unaffiliated with the school or anyone in it,…

BodyWorn, the police-worn camera that aims to reduce crime

(BodyWorn) Should local police wear and use a body camera at all times? That’s the debate many police departments are having after riots broke out in Baltimore in April. Last year, unrest in Ferguson led to continuing racial tensions. Yet,…

Almost-extinct fish keeping water off limits amid Calif. drought, farmers weigh challenge

At three inches long, the delta smelt is one of the smallest fish in California — but ounce for ounce, no species statewide carries more weight. Endangered since 1993, the plankton-eating silver minnow is blamed by farmers, lawmakers and water…

Ted Cruz: Thanks to liberal media candidate will soon have new name… ‘Extremist’

It didn’t take long for the major media to attack Senator Ted Cruz. In fact, they started before his Monday announcement that he’s running for president. On Sunday, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd teased an interview with California Governor…