Tag Archives: party

How to be part of the Fox News-Facebook Debate Event Night

On Thursday, Fox News Channel and Facebook will present the first Republican presidential primary debates of the 2016 election season in association with the Ohio Republican Party. Moderated by Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly, and Chris Wallace, the prime-time debate will…

Could Bernie Sanders knock Queen Hillary off the 2016 throne?

Trying to create a presidential persona and a rationale for running, Hillary Clinton relaunched her campaign at a memorial to FDR. She used the glorious setting of Four Freedoms Park to summon Roosevelt’s legacy and frame her theme as “Four…

Hillary Clinton wants to take us back to yesterday, not the future

In her reintroduction speech on Roosevelt Island in New York last Saturday, Hillary Clinton hit all the boilerplate liberal Democrat notes: The New Deal, big government, soak the rich, evil Wall Street … you know the song because the music…

GOP gets down to business with debates

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• GOP gets down to business with debates• Emails show Blumenthal deep in Benghazi spin cycle• Straw poll sucking wind• Paul-ibuster shows Rand stands with his base•…

Fox News Poll: Voters believe White House incompetent, US still in recession and ISIS has moved next door

Majorities of voters feel the country is still in recession, think terrorists are living in their hometown and rate the Obama White House handling of the government as incompetent. Those are some of the findings from the latest Fox News…

Fox News poll: 48 percent favor same-sex marriage, 51 percent say legalize marijuana

The country remains divided on same-sex marriage, according to the latest Fox News poll. Currently 48 percent favor legalizing same-sex marriage, while 44 percent are opposed. ; Just 32 percent of voters said gays should be allowed to marry legally…

Jeb Bush staying on campaign sidelines — but not for long?

At every stop along the undeclared campaign trail, Jeb Bush studiously reminds voters that he is not yet running for president. “I’m not a candidate, and if I am a candidate, this is a long journey,” Bush told a crowd…

Hillary Clinton and 2016: It’s about the money, stupid

Nothing better defines the hypocrisy of the left than Hillary Clinton’s likely coronation as the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate. Mrs. Clinton officially entered the race Sunday, via a 2-minute video. Most political observers consider her a shoe-in for her Party’s…

Rand Paul’s Bid For President And the GOP Field

Election stories knocked Iran from the headlines on Tuesday as Rand Paul formally announced his candidacy for president. Paul is certainly a candidate to watch in the current crop of GOP prospects. The libertarian-leaning junior senator from Kentucky is not…

Fox News Poll: Voters say government is the problem, taxes are too high

(AP) A record number of American voters think they pay too much in taxes. In addition, they think government is more often the source of America’s troubles — not the means of fixing them. The latest Fox News poll shows…