Tag Archives: people

‘Showing the truth’: Kurdish pop star takes on ISIS with beauty, song

Helly Luv struggled to make it as a pop star in Hollywood, then followed her dream in the service of her people. She’s been likened to Shakira and Lady Gaga, but Helly Luv, the Kurdish pop star who is using…

‘Vilifying’ Hillary Clinton? New York Times wary of conservative oppo research

The New York Times gets some credit, I guess, for trying to divine how the conservative opposition plans to go after Hillary Clinton. And the paper had cooperation from one such PAC, American Crossroads, founded by Karl Rove. The organization…

Lynne Russell, ex-CNN anchor, and her husband are alive thanks to a gun

Lynne Russell and her husband, Chuck de Caro, believe they would be dead if she hadn’t been carrying a gun. Late Wednesday night, Russell was forced at gunpoint from a motel parking lot into her room. The robber, not satisfied…

Pope Francis paints himself into partisan political corner

As luck would have it, I was about to jump into the pope’s new environmental encyclical when I stumbled on an old story out of Israel. It seems that ­archaeological researchers found plaque on the teeth of people who lived…

Facing the statistics: What we can all learn from one mom battling cancer

This image shows metastasized human breast cancer cells (magnified 400 times, stained brown) in lymph nodes. (National Cancer Institute) National Cancer Survivors Day has come and gone. This past Sunday was the 28th year set aside to celebrate worldwide the…

ISIS has a vision for victory, Obama doesn’t

The stirring speeches of yesteryear inspired us then, and still do. In times of grave danger, great leaders rallied their nations with appeals to duty and visions of victory. “With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of…

How to write an entire novel on a plane

You may be the most productive at 30,000 with limited distractions. (iStock) I’m rarely more productive than I am on planes. Even with the infringement of in-flight Wi-Fi and streaming satellite television, I still manage to accomplish more at 30,000…

Where’s the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?

Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy. Don’t people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run…

Should you disobey most laws?

Charles Murray, already controversial for writing books on how welfare hurts the poor, on ethnic differences in IQ and on (less controversial, but my favorite) happiness and good government, has written a new book that argues that it’s time for…

Social media: the new way to get pregnant?

Kelli (L) and Lisa (R) with baby Gemma (image courtesy subject) Facebook and other social media channels are saturated with information for moms; there are ways to get advice, ask for referrals for babysitters, and share photos of their kids.…