Tag Archives: university

How would the world change if we found alien life?

If contact with extraterrestrial life is made through radio telescopes, a decipherment process may have to take place to understand the message. (NASA) A second look by the Mars Global Surveyor at the so-called Viking “Face on Mars” in Cydonia…

Hillary Clinton, what are you thinking? We don’t need another education subsidy

If elected president, Hillary Clinton has promised to spend $350 billion to make college “more affordable.” The U.S. already has an $18 trillion debt (and growing by the day), but Clinton wants to add to it. That’s not affordable. Too…

Older people need guns, too

Have you ever thought of letting someone else manage your finances? If President Obama has his way, Social Security recipients who have trouble managing their finances will be banned from buying a gun. If Social Security were to start classifying…

Concealed-carry handgun permits soar as murder rate drops, study claims

A report from a prominent economist finds that the number of permits to carry concealed handguns has skyrocketed by 178 percent in the last eight years, even as the murder rate has dropped. The figures, cited in a study by…

Greece’s future: In the end Germany, not Greece, may be the biggest loser

Germany is using its size and wealth to compel its Eurozone partners to take a hard line toward Greece but in the end, Germany has much to lose by forcing the Aegean nation to choose between more austerity and dumping…

Another day, another Clinton black eye

Another day, another Clinton black eye — or two. Both continue the plotlines that threaten Hillary’s Oval Office dreams. First comes more evidence of the family’s sheer greed. The Washington Post reports that the University of Missouri at Kansas City…

Are celebrity seflies exacerbating some fans’ body image issues?

LOS ANGELES – Is the condition known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) being worsened by the growing obsession with selfies? BDD is a debilitating preoccupation with even the most minor aesthetic “flaws.” Medical and sociology experts are now delving deeper…

Why Greece must default (or restructure its debt)

Greece will never be able to pay all its owes and the sooner its principal creditors—the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary—face reality, the better for everyone. The Troika is demanding more austerity—cuts in government spending, higher taxes…

The real ‘Terminator:’ Robots compete in the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge

While “Terminator Genysis” brings back a fictional world ruled by robots to movie screens later this month, thanks to the U.S. military, the prospect of military robot military warfare became closer to reality thanks to the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge.…

Life after loss: Reflecting on the impact an individual can make in others’ lives

Woody Fraser (left) and Hal Meyers (right) met 30 years ago and maintained a close friendship until Hal’s death in 2015. My husband lost his best friend today: Hal Meyers, the salt of the earth. He was my dear friend,…