Tag Archives: job creation

Obama’s Blame Game Is Not Working

President Obama’s news conference Friday on jobs and the economy offered nothing new. He blamed the Congress and Republicans specifically. The president’s remarks on the economy and Congress echo President Truman’s on the ‘Do-Nothing’ Republican Congress. On the surface, the…

President Obama’s Budgetary Delusion and the Upcoming Crisis we Face

The $3.7 trillion budget that President Obama introduced yesterday clearly places spending initiatives aimed at job creation and rebuilding the American middle class ahead of deficit and debt reduction and austerity.  It is a political document, and needs to be…

Reauthorize PDUFA!

Congress’ House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee held a hearing yesterday on the reauthorization of the FDA’s Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which is set to expire later this year.  This is critically important legislation that needs to be…