Author Archives: arielle

Paul Ryan’s Polling Problem

The nomination of Paul Ryan puts an important issue—the country’s fiscal direction—on the table. It also indicates that Team Romney realizes this issue matters and must be addressed in the campaign. However, it is not entirely clear that Ryan’s selection…

A campaign truly about nothing

  Last Friday’s employment numbers — with 163,000 jobs created in July, and the jobless rate rising to 8.3% — were neither uplifting nor surprising. These came on the heels of last week’s Fed report that the economy grew only…

Great Strides Made In Developing New Medicines For Cancer

While there has been a great deal of discussion around Obamacare and the Supreme Court ruling that is expected to be announced in the near future, much progress has been made in other areas of public health that has gone…

Romney, Obama must address crisis of U.S. families

The decline of the American family is the hidden issue in our election. Sadly, neither presidential candidate is talking about our family structure or traditional values in any positive or constructive way. But we are now facing a crisis of…

Obama’s Blame Game Is Not Working

President Obama’s news conference Friday on jobs and the economy offered nothing new. He blamed the Congress and Republicans specifically. The president’s remarks on the economy and Congress echo President Truman’s on the ‘Do-Nothing’ Republican Congress. On the surface, the…

Campaign Is Moving ‘Inexorably’ Toward Romney

Mitt Romney is expected to officially clinch the Republican presidential nomination today, as winning the Texas primary will put the former governor over the 1,144 delegates needed to secure the nomination. This is just the latest positive news for Romney,…

What the 2012 presidential race needs to be about

Mitt Romney is expected to clinch the Republican nomination tonight and he will no longer be known as his party’s “presumptive” nominee. By tomorrow it will likely be official — the 2012 presidential race will be a contest between Barack…

Big Picture: What is the state of the race today?

Gary Johnson could catch presidential race by surprise

With his name slated to be on every state ballot in the country in November, Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson is an important voice – bringing bold new ideas to the table that appeal to voters across the political spectrum.…

Big Picture: What is the state of the race today?