Donald Trump: The first Hispanic president

Funny headline, huh? Because of course Donald Trump isn’t Hispanic. More importantly, the Hispanic world seems at war with Trump over his recent comments about “Mexico and Central America sending us their worst citizens, not their best.” And corporate America is running away from “The Donald” and his controversial comments, fearing an Hispanic backlash.So how can anyone even hint that Donald Trump could be a great president for Hispanics?

My father taught me, “Don’t worry about what someone says, watch what they do.”

Donald Trump’s words don’t matter. Watch what he does. He is the only guy running for president who knows how to create millions of jobs and make billions of dollars.

So let me ask you this — If Donald Trump offends Hispanics with his words…but turns around the U.S. economy, creates millions of jobs for everyone, but especially for Hispanics…not just crappy low wage part-time jobs, but good paying full-time jobs…then isn’t he a better president for Hispanics than someone who says nice things, compliments them all day long, but produces a crappy economy with no good jobs?

My father taught me, “Don’t worry about what someone says, watch what they do.” Donald Trump’s words don’t matter. Watch what he does. He is the only guy running for president who knows how to create millions of jobs and make billions of dollars.

So Donald Trump could yet become our “first Hispanic president” through deeds, not words. That’s how Donald Trump can win the presidency — even after his inartfully — stated comments about Hispanics. You see what matters are deeds, not words. What everyone should worry about is real performance, not false promises to get your vote.

What exactly has Obama done for anyone, other than a world record for most government handouts ever? Is that what Hispanics want? Government checks in order to survive? Is that what black Americans want? Is that what women want?

'Media Buzz' host reacts to Trump ripping members of the media

Is that what gays want? Because despite all the flowery talk…and flowery promises…and propaganda about creating millions of jobs- the reality is…there aren’t any. I have “boots on the ground” and I’m telling you there are no real jobs. Just crappy low wage part-time jobs that require food stamps and free healthcare just to survive.

Take Thursday’s jobs report.

Part time jobs were up by 161,000, while full-time jobs were down by 349,000. More proof that all of Obama’s flowery words won’t get you a good job.

Maybe it’s time to stop worrying about what someone says, but instead watch what he does.

Obama’s fancy words have nothing to do with performance. That could be why the number of Americans on food stamps hit an all-time record under Obama.

That could be why the number of Americans on welfare hit an all-time record under Obama.

That could be why the poverty level under Obama broke a 50 year old record.

That could be why as of Thursday’s job report, more people are unemployed under Obama (93,626,000) than at any time in history.

Obama talks big and flowery, but his actions result in a horrible miserable life for average Americans.

Look at the polls. Donald Trump is more popular than ever. Why?

His words that offended Hispanics have excited and inspired millions of middle class native-born Americans who are thrilled someone is finally telling the truth (although perhaps a bit too harshly and stated inartfully) and putting American citizens first over foreigners or illegal aliens.

Donald Trump “the underdog” really can win the presidency. Americans love an underdog. NBC, Univision, Macys and the PGA Golf Tour are all turning Trump into a lovable underdog.–golf.htmlIronically, they are turning a billionaire into “the little guy fighting the big corporations.”

Now Trump needs to “strike while the iron is hot.” He needs to spend a huge sum of money (say $100 million) fast on a national TV advertising campaign. And what he should say is…

“I am the Hispanic president because I’ll create more jobs for Hispanics than any president in history. And not just any jobs…good jobs that allow you to pay the bills and pay for health insurance and send your kids to college, without depending on government welfare to survive. I am the Hispanic president because I’ll raise your income like no president in history. I am the Hispanic president because I’ll raise your standard of living like no president in history. I am the Hispanic president because I offer opportunity, mobility and jobs, not welfare or food stamps. I will also become the African American president…and the female president…and the working man’s president…and the gay president. Because in the end what matters to every race and every group isn’t flowery talk…or rhetoric…or propaganda…it’s action. It’s deeds. It’s jobs. And I’m the jobs president. Which is good for everyone. I’m the only person running for president who can deliver jobs, jobs and more jobs.”

Say that and brand that theme into the minds of Americans- even Hispanic Americans- and Donald Trump can become the President of the United States.

Wayne Allyn Root is a Capitalist Evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne’s latest book is “The Murder of the Middle Class” (Regenery 2014). For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.