April 14, 2015, photo: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton meets with local residents at the Jones St. Java House in LeClaire, Iowa. (AP)
Hillary Clinton has her first official 2016 campaign stop today in Monticello, Iowa. Ed Henry is there.
Carl Cameron reporting on the launch of FL Senator Marco Rubio into the race for the White House. Rubio made it official yesterday.
A new polls shows NJ Gov Chris Christie has lost ground in his own state as to a run for the White House. Christie is speaking today in New Hampshire. Carl Cameron is covering the GOP field today.
John Roberts is taking a look at conventional wisdom in the presidential race.
Doug McKelway is looking at DEA sex parties as the House Oversight Committee holds a hearing into allegations of corruption and crime at the DEA.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee expected to vote on a measure that give Congress more power to weigh in on a pending nuclear deal with Iran over its nuke program. President Obama and VP Biden have been campaigning hard to convince Congress not to tie their hands in negotiations.
Iraq’s new(ish) Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is at the White House today pushing for more U.S. military and financial aid in the fight against ISIS. There’s at 10:30 joint news conference that we’ll be covering.
It’s been a year since more than 200 Nigerian girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists. There’s no word on their fates. Terrorists have kidnapped at least 2000 since the start of 2014.
Catherine Herridge is looking at new inroads by ISIS into Libya.
Greg Palkot reporting on homegrown terrorists as nine British citizens arrested in Turkey trying to cross into Syria.
There is disturbing news that Syria may have used chemical weapons again on its own citizens in Syria.
Fighting is raging in Eastern Ukraine.
Today is the 150th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Jon Scott and Jenna Lee will take YOU to news when and where it happens.