President Barack Obama, standing with Vice President Joe Biden, delivers remarks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, after an Iran deal is reached. Obama says every path to a nuclear weapon will be cut off from Iran under a historic agreement announced in Vienna. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool)
After years of back and forth, there is today a deal between Iran and six world powers that will (hopefully) limit their nuclear program. In returns for new controls over its nuclear ability, Iran gets oil and financial sanctions lifted. President Obama is hoping it begins a new chapter in ugly relations between the two countries ever since 1979 and the Iranian revolution ushered in kidnappings of Americans, millions forced to flee Iran, and terrorism and military adventurism by Iran. President Obama said this morning the deal “is not built on trust, it is built on verification.” He said the deal will help stop the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
The President faces a skeptical Congress that must sign off on the deal. President Obama said he looked forward to a debate in Congress, but vowed to repeal any Congressional attempt to prevent implementation of the deal.
The Israeli Prime Minister called the deal “a mistake of historic proportions.” We’ve already heard from GOP Presidential candidates in opposition to the deal.
We’ve got Fox team coverage, and in depth analysis from some of the best experts in the world on Iran including Tehran Bureau Chief for the New York Times Thomas Erdbrink, Mark Dubowitz, Bret Stephens and Joe Cironcione, and political reaction from Karl Rove and Joe Trippi.
Scott Walker became the 15th GOP candidate for President Of the United States yesterday. Walker in a big speech last night from Wisconsin said, “Americans deserve a president who will fight and win for them. Someone who will stand up for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. . . . Someone who will stand up for America.”
Walker becomes an instant front-runner at the top of the pack in polls of potential Republican voters. Walker heads to Nevada today with a trip to the all-important Iowa later this week.
Jeb Bush is in Iowa campaigning today with a meet and greet in Council Bluffs at 1pm.
Donald Trump has become a huge lightning rod over his continuing negative comments about illegal immigrants. He’s sucking a lot of the oxygen from the room on the campaign trail and dominating the polls. He’s got an event today at 11am in Virginia. We’ll monitor for news.
Hillary Clinton is meeting with several Congressional groups today including the Congressional Black Congress. Her economic policy speech yesterday getting a lot of attention today. Here’s how the Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker put it in today’s edition, “In her most far-reaching policy address to date, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton presented her vision Monday for a “growth and fairness economy” built on rising incomes for middle-class workers and vowed an aggressive crackdown on Wall Street. Even as she outlined progressive policies she hoped would motivate liberal Democratic primary voters, Clinton attacked three leading Republican candidates by name for economic agendas she said would benefit corporations and wealthy people at the expense of ordinary workers.
The Wall Street Journal’s Laura Meckler writing, “Hillary Clinton, delivering her 2016 campaign’s first big economic speech, virtually ignored her Democratic rivals and instead targeted Republicans, signaling to voters in her party how she would carry the fight in a general election.”
There’s a disturbing story today out of Boston where police arrested the son of a Boston police captain who was allegedly planning a terror attack at a college with exploding pressure cooker bombs in support of ISIS. The man, Alexander Ciccolo, allegedly bought guns to use in an attack from undercover police. He was turned in by his father! Molly Line reporting.
Closing arguments today in the Aurora movie massacre case against James Holmes. Alicia Acuna reporting.
Severe weather in Illinois, Kansas, and Kentucky. At least one killed. We’ll get an update.
Amazing story to wrap up the show today. The United States today became the first country to send spacecraft to every planet in the Solar System. A NASA craft called New Horizons flew by Pluto at more than 30,000 miles an hour snapping pictures of the dwarf planet. Already the pictures the probe has sent back are astounding scientists. Exciting news.
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