This is a rush transcript from “The Five,” June 29, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I’m Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera, Eric Bolling and Tom Shillue. Its five o’clock in New York City and this is “The Five.”
On the heels of Islamic terror attacks, across three continents last week, U.S. officials are warning about a possible strike here at home, as July 4th approaches next week. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have issued us bulletins to local law enforcement about a heightened risk for an ISIS inspired attack around the holiday. Former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morrell says he is extremely concerned.
MIKE MORELL, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: These kinds of warnings go out routinely, but there’s nothing routine about this particular to me. There have been about 50 people in the last 12 months who have been arrested in the United States for being radicalized by ISIS. Wanting to go fight there or wanting to connect an attack here. There are right in the middle of Ramadan, call to arms, conducted attacks against our enemies, so I’m worried about this one.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re sitting here a week from today, talking about an attack over the weekend on the United States. That’s how serious this is.
PERINO: As America gets ready to celebrate its birthday, ISIS is celebrating its one-year anniversary with a call to arms. Former CIA Chief Michael Hayden said, in order to defeat the terror network, here is what we need to do.
MICHAEL HAYDEN, FORMER CIA CHIEF: Ultimately, what we were going to have to do is disrupt the ISIS narrative. Right now, they look as if because they have been so successful on the battlefield. It looks like they’re acting as the will and the hand of God. I think we need to turn that around. We need to inflict battlefield defeats on them in their homeland, so that they’re not nearly as attractive to these kinds of folks globally.
CHRIS WALLACE, “FOX NEWS SUNDAY” HOST: Are we winning or losing the war against ISIS at this moment?
HAYDEN: I would certainly not claim we’re winning.
PERINO: Eric, the United States will hold about 14,000 July 4th events across the country this Friday and Saturday. For somebody like Mike Morell, who obviously the serious guy, take the issue seriously. It’s a fine line between asking people to be vigilant and scaring them, but it seems to me that he was at a higher level of concern than he has been in the last couple years.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah, and I have to agree. Can I take both — first Morell. He points out that during Ramadan we should have a heightened sense and concerns and see something, say something should be the case. Especially then because Islamic have a tenfold responsibility to kill during Ramadan and they get tenfold reward if they do kill in the name of Allah during Ramadan. So yeah, we have to be careful. Add that to — add Ramadan period to 9/11 as a date to remember to watch. Add it to April 15th, Boston bombers on April 15th. These are important dates and I think it is important that we stay vigilant, but not crazy. There was a package over here. Someone — early this afternoon, it was one of this stands.
RIVERA: It was a pipe sealed on both sides.
BOLLING: It was a pipe. It was sitting there but they shut down a two block radius around New York for this one pipe. And frankly, look, do they — are they winning? They’re winning if we’re doing that kind of stuff on Hayden. Think of it this way. Hayden says we have to do something. We have to put ISIS to rest. We’re spending — ready for this, $9 million a day. Sounds like a lot, right? Take it — look at it this way. We’re taking in $8 billion a day in tax revenue. So Americans are putting $8 billion in, we’re spending $9 million to keep us safe. That’s like if America was — you, Dana. You had $100 bill in your pocket and a big bully says, I’m going to beat you up. How much would you pay the — or someone to get rid of the bully? You get — you give a dollar or two, maybe five bucks. We’re spending less than a penny to get rid of ISIS. Let’s step it up and put these guys out of their — out of our misery and out of their misery.
PERINO: During the sound bite of Michael Hayden, Geraldo, I think that you’re agreeing with him in terms of changing the narrative. So that striking them and hurting them more in the battlefield, to make it less attractive to be a part of this group is important.
RIVERA: Before we get to the destruction, the necessary destruction of ISIS, I am totally opposed to these warnings, Eric. I think that these warnings do nothing but upset people, they frighten people. What is my mom supposed to do? She’s going to go out there and look for Arab guys.
RIVERA: And then.
RIVERA: Yeah, frisk them? I mean, it’s ridiculous.
BOLLING: No, all say something.
RIVERA: All it does is because you, you know heartache and upset stomach. It does absolutely nothing. It covers the tushes (ph) of the pundits in the terror profession, an anti-terror profession. It does absolutely nothing. We need victories on the battlefield, Dana. That is absolutely right. General Hayden is right. That’s what we have to crush them. That’s what we have to go after every single one of these three attacks last week in Tunisia, in Kuwait and in France. The Sunnis Muslim extremists, some of them funded by Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Nusra, we know where they live. We should fight them in a way that’s far more vigorous than we have been. The president is a sleep at the wheel. I mean, God bless him for his domestic triumphs last week. Oversee, it’s been shameful.
PERINO: So it was the FBI and Homeland Security that also said to law enforcement. Kimberly, what happen in a situation like that in terms of looking at the types of threats? So the three that Geraldo just mentioned, one of them was a homegrown terrorist, another was one who was radicalized in Syria and then sent out to Tunisia. And the other one are people that are doing a lot of this digital warfare. So if you are law enforcement and you have a heightened threat of alert, what goes on with the police force in an Intel community right now that lead up?
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well, the key is intelligence sharing, right, and being able to work together because these terror tentacles spread across all of our different intelligence agencies. There are certain things that going to affect CIA. Things that going to affect FBI that something here, overseas, CIA. So they’ve got a work in conjunction, which is really important in investigation. Also, you’ve got to work with local law enforcement. For example, if there are terror threats that are specific to New York City, they’re going to bring the NYPD into fold. You might be bringing Homeland Security into the fold, all of that, so that you’re working together in a concept (ph). What’s really important to be successful to thwart these types of activities is that we are getting the information and it’s being transmitted to these different groups in a really efficient matter, so that they’re getting an in advance of something. If they’re hearing about something in New York, we have to make sure it is relayed, so they can canvass the area that they can do follow up. So that’s really crucial. That’s why I worry about. Sometime the system breaking down and then they’re getting a step ahead.
PERINO: Tom, do you think that the terror threat from years ago was overblown, but now we’re underplaying it?
TOM SHILLUE, “RED EYE” HOST: Well, at least we were a little jumpy after — in the years after September 11th. I think you know, understandably, were kind of getting our bearings and trying to figure out how to deal with it. Now, I think we’re not jumpy enough. I disagree with Geraldo. I think that I like these warnings. I love that sign that old British sign, keep calm and carry on. People put it on their Facebook page — everything. That’s should be our attitude. Keep calm and carry on.
RIVERA: So what are you going to do about it?
SHILLUE: Well, we’re not going to do.
RIVERA: Well, how does it affect your life?
BOLLING: Can I show how it affect your life, specifically, Geraldo? Do you remember Times Square bomber? Do you remember the van that was sitting at Times Square? And the hotdog vendor said that just doesn’t look right to me. That doesn’t seem right to me. That doesn’t seem right to me. He calls.
RIVERA: That is well (inaudible) bomb.
BOLLING: No. Hold on, hold on. He calls.
RIVERA: I was on the air that night, Eric.
BOLLING: Exactly. So it’s on the odds.
RIVERA: I was on the air last night. The only.
BOLLING: Someone saw something.
RIVERA: That respect their.
BOLLING: They saw something and that didn’t blow up killing thousands of people.
RIVERA: Blow, blow it. It didn’t happen that way. The only reason it was noticed is because the bomb was a dud. If the bomb had been.
BOLLING: But if you saw it.
RIVERA: If the bomb — please.
BOLLING: And they found it.
RIVERA: If the bomb had worked as planned, it would have blown up. It would have killed a lot of people. It was after the fact that they’ve already sizzled when the guy saw it. And the vast majority of these terror attacks — mark my word. It’s a nut job.
RIVERA: That gets a gun, like this guy in Tunisia.
BOLLING: Sure, sure.
RIVERA: Or someone walked at like the guy with the hatchets with the cops, a nut job. How are you going to stop someone who is.
SHILLUE: But you’re not.
RIVERA: Absolutely self-starting.
GUILFOYLE: But what is the perimeter?
RIVERA: And he wants to chop a cop’s head off.
SHILLUE: You could stop the attack.
RIVERA: How you going to stop?
SHILLUE: At the Boston marathon either. But I think we know they’re going to happen. I mean, it’s like, attacks are going to happen, and they’re going to happen more on these holidays and in these times. So we should be more vigilant, looking out on things like that. But I think we should carry on. We’re not going to stop going.
RIVERA: It’s a paranoid nation.
SHILLUE: Boston strong. Go show up to these events.
RIVERA: It’s a paranoid nation. Do what Eric says. Spend the money. Go beat them at the source.
BOLLING: (inaudible)
RIVERA: You would still.
BOLLING: Why this one it prove the other?
RIVERA: Police.
GUILFOYLE: Why it still matter?
RIVERA: Why do the police matter and the other is national security?
BOLLING: No, no, no, Geraldo. The police matters, everyone matters. If you’re in a plane —
RIVERA: Wait, Eric. What do you want to be, a Gmail?
BOLLING: An airport. If you’re in a train station and you see a package that is unattended, say something for God sake. Rather said — and if you shouldn’t say something, five people are dead.
RIVERA: Had there ever been in the history of the world.
RIVERA: Someone who saw a package that turnout to be bomb?
BOLLING: I think there’s had been. I can’t — can I name one right now?
RIVERA: I don’t know. Aren’t they the only pipe across the street?
BOLLING: I tell you the Times Square isn’t exactly the way you’re portraying it. After the fact.
RIVERA: It is absolutely a sizzle (ph). It was a sizzle (ph).
BOLLING: Then they said, we’ll — maybe we couldn’t brought up by.
BOLLING: I’ll tell you why, he’s a hero.
SHILLUE: Here’s a concrete example. You have a big event, whether it’s Times Square or the Boston marathon, and the warning comes out and everyone’s says OK, we’re under a more severe warning. So then when the cops come around, they’re searching bags. You’re more apt to understand what’s happening instead of being frustrated. Ah, good point Tom Shillue just made.
PERINO: All right. I’m going to bring up one more point that Kimberly take on this. Remember last week, we were talking about some studies that were out in The New York Times reported on one that suggested that the bigger threat is not from Muslim terrorists, but from far right-wing groups in America. Congressman Peter King had some thoughts on that. Listen.
REP. PETER KING, R-N.Y.: Every murder is horrible. There’s no comparison between these white supremacists and an internationally coordinated movement, which if the attacks weren’t stopped, we would have had thousands and thousands of deaths. There are several years ago, the attempted subway attacks here in New York would have killed hundreds, with thousands of people if that one not intercepted. So everything should be investigated. Everything should be stop but to compare these deranged white supremacists with an organized international terrorist movement, that’s New York Times at its worst.
PERINO: Kimberly, is it easier for law enforcement to track right-wing extremist? T o the extent that they are exists? I do think that they exist. But it is to track them than it is to track thousands of possible war — want to be war heroes that have gone to Syria and are trying to come here?
GUILFOYLE: I mean, what do you mean? Because they have a very distinct presence on social media or something like that?
SHILLUE: Like were in good.
GUILFOYLE: I mean, yeah, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think so. I think we have the tools and the ability to be able to track everybody. Real terrorists that are out there, that are working in concert together. That’s why I’m a big believer in giving law enforcement and the intelligence community all the tools that they need to connect the data points, so that they can get ahead of this and prevent it. But I do believe, Geraldo that they have to work in concert or part of this whole (inaudible) together that we have to work with law enforcement if we see something. To be able to say and get involve.
RIVERA: I have no problem with that.
GUILFOYLE: Just like the lady. They found the white supremacist fleeing. She has seen a report on Fox News.
RIVERA: Did Peter.
GUILFOYLE: And she help the cops catch him.
RIVERA: Peter King and The New York Times are wrong. There is no difference in my view between a jihadist and a racist who murders — mass murders in a church. They’re both acts of terror. The fact that one has to be Muslim, the other a Christian or whatever the hell the racist bait was is irrelevant to me. That is the kind of terrorism that America really faces. It’s the nut who does the terrible thing and to draw an artificial distinctive because this one, the victims are black and this one the victims are random or white, I think it’s preposterous. This is the future of America. It’s the anarchist, the (inaudible), it’s the murderer.
BOLLING: I don’t — I am not sure that that was Peter King was saying. I think he was saying, allow the —
RIVERA: I love Peter.
BOLLING: I know Peter King.
BOLLING: Its pro-NSA and.
BOLLING: Go ahead and knock yourself out. I would be against the pushback for some of those privacy reasons. But let — can I just add one thing to our discussion on see something, say something? Kimberly points — hits on something very important. See something, say something online. A lot of these jihadists are playing around. They have these Facebook pages.
BOLLING: And they’re basically telling the world they’re jihadist and they’re about to go rouge and do something stupid.
BOLLING: If no — if it is not Times Square on the package, if you see it online, say something.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. What if they communicate? They use WhatsApp, a social and media platforms, which is difficult to trace. They were taking the picture with the beheaded guy, right in front of an American factory. They disseminate it on WhatsApp and use different channels and ultimately it ends it up Syria (ph) and they were able to post that online. That’s what’s happening, so you’ve got to get ahead of this.
PERINO: And that’s what Michael Hayden was saying.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.
PERINO: That you have to change the narrative so you have to show them that we can kick their rear ends.
GUILFOYLE: Give them a crushing.
PERINO: That could be (inaudible).
GUILFOYLE: Bleeding defeat on the battlefield. They won’t seem so sexy to the losers that want to join up.
PERINO: OK, what she said. I agree.
Ahead, last night’s BET awards opened with a politically charged performance, targeting police, that in much more coming up on “The Five.”
SAM HUNT, SINGER: We’ll have a house party, we don’t need nobody. Turn your TV off break that boom-box out. We’ll wake up all the neighbors.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, a slew of GOP presidential candidates have voiced strong disapproval of the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling last week. The question now is how should they deal with the issue on the campaign trail? Peggy Noonan advises not pursue an efforts to overturn the decisions which she said won’t be possible. But just focus on a religious liberty fight instead.
PEGGY NOONAN, WALL STREET JOURNAL COLUMNIST: Are Republicans going to go off chasing a rabbit they’ll never be able to catch? More fruitfully, I think republicans can look at the real issue mentioned in all the dissents that’s (inaudible). The real issue of religious liberty whether or not it is going to be under siege and whether those who disagree with the court’s ruling on same-sex marriage are going to come under great pressure to get with the program. You know that will be important.
GUILFOYLE: I want to get to some of her comments here and see what you think. Dana, you’re very close with Peggy Noonan and (inaudible).
PERINO: I think she makes a very good point. I mean, when — you remember when ObamaCare was affirmed by — well, by the Supreme Court, but John Roberts was the deciding vote. One of President Obama’s favorite things to say is the law of the land folks, you deal with it. Truth is when the Supreme Court rules, there’s very little you can do except for the try to pass another law. I think we’re going to get to some comments by Rand Paul which is an idea that I’ve floated awhile ago, I’m not saying she — I’m not saying he got the idea from me. It’s an idea out there to say that maybe the government doesn’t need to be involved in the marriage business at all anyway. Not the big, bold idea. You know what Peggy saying is right, however. I understand that there are some political, maybe, short-term gain to be had by a few of the presidential candidates on the republican side to maybe say that they’re going to fight this all the way. I just think she’s being realistic and I agree with her. That is not something that is going to work and it’s going to waste a lot of time and energy. And it might get you, you know two more points in the polls, but that’s fleeting and won’t last.
GUILFOYLE: So it’s ill-advised and you would concur with you.
PERINO: And I also think there are reason — let other people talk here. I think that they are conservatives who can look at this from a different point of view. And Rick Grenell, one of our colleagues wrote a really good piece about why conservatives should embrace this ruling and just accept liberty at the fundamental level.
GUILFOYLE: OK. Bolling I want to get your thoughts.
BOLLING: And I would agree that it feels to me like the last election cycle when a contraceptive was a big issue. Remember they brought (inaudible).
SHILLUE: War on women.
BOLLING: They came to this thing, the war on women. It feels similar to that I would hope and I would help that a lot of the GOP, once their asked about this, get it on record because they once want to know and then move on. Don’t make it — don’t continually get sucked into that fight, just state where you are. And Dana points out I also agree, you know, trying to be as libertarian as possible that it isn’t – it’s a state by state issue. If you live in a state where gay marriage is legal, fine, you live in that state.
RIVERA: It is legal in every state.
PERINO: But now.
BOLLING: No, it’s not yet on the state level.
BOLLING: Because the Supreme Court may.
RIVERA: Everywhere the U.S. flag flies.
BOLLING: Correctly. I understand that. Now, just tell me this, is marijuana legal in every state?
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God. That’s a different (inaudible).
BOLLING: Or is it illegal in every state? Is that legal in every state?
RIVERA: Whether does it have to do with who do you want to marry.
BOLLING: Because I’m saying.
RIVERA: Gay people now have a constitutional right to marry anybody they want to.
BOLLING: I completely understand the ruling Geraldo. My point is it’s inconsistent. If Marijuana is illegal on the federal level, but legal on different states.
RIVERA: What is inconsistency had to do with?
PERINO: Well, the Supreme Court might hear that, though. I mean to the point, Eric.
PERINO: Right.
GUILFOYLE: Let me bring in some commentary by Mike Huckabee. You might have heard him. Well, he’s pointing out if it is OK for a rainbow to go up at the White House, the same should go for a religious display.
MIKE HUCKABEE, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When the president lit up the White House the other night with rainbow colors, I guess that his prerogative. If I became president, I just want to remind people that please don’t complain if I were to put a nativity scene out during Christmas. And say, you know, if it is my house, I get to do what I wish, despite what other people around the country may feel about it.
GUILFOYLE: All right, Tom, get your comment.
SHILLUE: That is not a good argument to make. What you want to say is President Obama is really Johnny Come Lately to this issue. Can you believe that this guy who ran against gay marriage when he ran for president, he has the gall to hold up that rainbow flag as if it was his idea. When he just hopped on the bandwagon, I think it is embarrassing. That he and Hillary are waving on those rainbow flags when they are vote. It wasn’t just like some college paper to go.
SHILLUE: They ran for president against gay marriage. The Clintons were all for defense of marriage. I mean, it’s unbelievable that people allow this kind of hypocrisy, that they can get away with it and just act as if they were at the front of the parade when they were out the back.
GUILFOYLE: All right, ask and you shall receive, hit it. Remember when?
HILLARY CLINTON,D- 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. I’m not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage.
GUILFOYLE: OK. So then they decided woke up on the other side of the bed and decided its fine and light up the White House.
RIVERA: The lighting up to go White House and this where Tom is wrong. The lighting up on rather this is where Mike Huckabee. Our dear friend Mike Huckabee is wrong. Lighting up the White House in the rainbow colors recognizes that now the constitution has embraced. As interpreted by the spring core and the tight decision (inaudible) but it is. Now the way the constitution will forevermore be interpreted. A constitution right is being recognized. The constitution and the declaration of independence make clear that there is a separation between religion and state. And I think that that’s where the governor is wrong. You can’t bring religion into the state. The state, the secular government that our founding documents enshrined, rather you can recognize a constitutional right as being created. I think the governor’s comparison there is off.
PERINO: His comparison might not be right, but I do think that this idea — this issue about religious liberty, you also can’t have a state tell a person that they have to — just they can’t take away a person’s religion either. So that’s where I think what the delicacy.
RIVERA: That’s where the part would be.
PERINO: Has to be —
RIVERA: That’s where the part.
PERINO: I hope it is not a fight, but when were people.
RIVERA: Well, the wedding cake guy.
PERINO: Could love that.
RIVERA: Will the wedding cake guy.
RIVERA: Got to cook his cake.
BOLLING: You know what the discussion is right now, literally, through – what is this? Three days after the decision came down? The discussion if you have a church refuses to marry two gay men or two gay women, should their —
PERINO: Tax exempt.
BOLLING: Tax exempt status, be pulled because of that? And that seems like it’s that will fight.
RIVERA: That will be litigated, right.
BOLLING: Well, that will be litigated, but there you go where, you know this — the religious freedoms being protected, there is maybe a breach of that?
PERINO: You know who will fight against that though? I think the gay community will fight against that because I think they recognize what tax exempt does for religious organizations, especially churches in this country is to be able to give a lot of money away to help poor people. I think that it actually that issue will probably get solved and will be defended by them.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. That’s going to be.
PERINO: I think.
BOLLING: I hope so.
GUILFOYLE: All right. What coming up on “The Five,” this was really interesting, are you ready? Why two nuns are vowing to fight pop star Katy Perry with the help of God. It’s next in the Fastest 7.
KATY PERRY, SINGER: I got the eye of the tiger, dancing through the fire because I am a champion and you’re going to hear me roar, louder, louder than a lion.
BOLLING: Welcome back, time for the fastest seven minutes on television. Three quirky stories, seven quick minutes, one quixotic host. First off, Rapper Kendrick Lamar raised some eyebrows last night when he opened the BET awards singing on top a vandalized cop car.
KENDRICK LAMAR, RAPPER: When you know, we been hurt, been down before, nigga. When my pride was low, looking at the world like, “where do we go, nigga?” And we hate Popo, wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, hit ah. I’m at the preacher’s door, my knees getting weak and my gun might blow but we’re going be alright.
BOLLING: All right, did you catch that? Lamar stated his views on police brutality with that line in this song, quote, “And we hate the Popo, want to kill us in the street for sure.” K.G.?
GUILFOYLE: Oh, please.
GUILFOYLE: I don’t like it. I mean, you know I don’t like it that’s why he came to me. I get it. That’s his right to express himself. Let the free market decide. Personally, it doesn’t excite me. It doesn’t turn me on. It doesn’t interest me. I’m not feeling it.
BOLLING: Geraldo, not helpful with those song lyrics.
RIVERA: To say the least. Not helpful at all. This is why I say that hip-hop has done more damage to young African-Americans than racism in recent years. This is exactly the wrong message.
And then to conflate what happened in the church in Charleston, South Carolina, with these tragic incidents involving excessive force of — use of force by cops is to equate that racist killer with these cops. It is so wrong; it is so counterproductive. It gives exactly the wrong message.
It doesn’t recognize that a city like Baltimore — where remember Freddie Gray? They’ve had a homicide a day since Freddie Gray. No one’s protesting that. Baltimore, a tiny city, 7 percent the size of New York, has just as many murderers as New York. You know, we’ve to wake up at a certain point and understand what’s going on.
BOLLING: Dana, timing is everything, and this may be a little too soon.
PERINO: The thing I was thinking about this, too, it’s not like it was somebody on cable news who just happened to say something that they regretted and that they had to go, then, apologize for. This was planned. There were probably a thousand people. At least several hundred, if not a thousand people who all knew that this was all going to happen, and nobody raises their hand and says, “Maybe this isn’t the best idea?”
BOLLING: Yes, but what’s going on. I mean, look at that police car.
GUILFOYLE: It incites violence.
SHILLUE: Are you sure it was planned? It looks like a spontaneous demonstration to me.
GUILFOYLE: Who pushed the video?
SHILLUE: A rapper who’s anti-police? I mean, it’s never happened before.
BOLLING: Let’s move on to this one. She’s one of the biggest pop stars on the planet.
RIVERA: But that exactly is the problem.
KATY PERRY, SINGER (singing): Do you want to play with magic? Boy, you should know what you’re falling for. Do you dare to do this, because I’m coming at you like a dark horse.
BOLLING: Well, Katy Perry is now the dark horse in a property dispute with two California nuns. She’s sparring with the elderly sisters over $15 million convent she wants to buy. The nuns say Perry made a personal pitch to them in the spring and even sang to them, but after doing some research on her, Katy, they don’t want her to be the tenant.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What did she sing?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What was the name of it?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: “O happy day.” But our days have not been happy since then, I can assure you.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: God help us. We are going to fight this.
BOLLING: Good for you, ladies.
PERINO: I love the sisters. And in some ways, I wish that Katy Perry might say, “OK, look, it’s a business deal.” And Katy Perry doesn’t really need the property.
And the nuns are saying they actually had a different deal with somebody who was going to give them a million dollars more for the property, and the nuns are good business ladies, as well. So I would hope this gets resolved peacefully.
BOLLING: Tommy, I don’t know, if I’m Katy Perry, the nuns don’t want me in that convent. I’m not that sure I want to be in the convent.
SHILLUE: You know who should get the convent? Lady Gaga. Did you hear her sing as Maria at the Oscars? “Climb Every Mountain,” she could do the whole show. She’s the new Maria. I say Lady Gaga.
GUILFOYLE: All right. This is a real segment?
GUILFOYLE: OK. I mean, look, I like that there’s coming out and stating their opinion, and they don’t want to; they have objections to it. And I feel sad because these sisters of the Immaculate Heart, there’s like five of them who are going to be, like, homeless.
BOLLING: No, there’s two left. There’s only two.
GUILFOYLE: OK. Those two, they can come live with me and Ronan and Bella.
I think Katy is going to get her way.
BOLLING: I don’t.
GUILFOYLE: I really like her, though, but yes.
RIVERA: The other bitter bid, as Dana said, a million dollars more. Money trumps everything. Why can’t they — I understand there’s a contract for sale, but in real-estate transactions, until there’s a closing, there’s a million ways to beat it. You know, you don’t want enough noise. You know, irreverent or sacrilegious. There’s a million things you could say, but I think the deal should go to the highest bidder; and it’s not Katy Perry.
GUILFOYLE: She could match it.
BOLLING: Finally, ladies and gentlemen, Quasimodo, the pit bull mix from Florida who was voted the world’s ugliest dog. That award earned her a “GMA” appearance.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Actually, she’s quite beautiful. The side view, obviously, is kind of ridiculous. Other dogs in the contest were — these were the ones with kind of British teeth and bad hair. And Quasi just stood out. It was like this dog is going to turn heads.
BOLLING: I think she’s beautiful. I think she’s a pretty girl, Geraldo.
RIVERA: This is the first spineless dog that I can say I actually found attractive.
SHILLUE: Yes, I think it was a great looking dog. I didn’t like that insult. British teeth? They’re going to be mad about that. Harping on the British about their teeth?
PERINO: Aren’t they our allies?
BOLLING: Not the ugliest dog in the world.
GUILFOYLE: That dog is for sure not the ugliest dog. And again, it’s a cute little, like, facia (ph) right? Cute little face, right?
SHILLUE: Look at that.
GUILFOYLE: The side shot. Sometimes you can’t have it all.
SHILLUE: Last year’s winner was ugly.
GUILFOYLE: That’s a butter face.
PERINO: The great thing about this is — and the reason I think it gets the “Good Morning America” appearance — is that dogs are the great equalizer. Like, we can all agree. Even if they call it the ugliest dog, we all sit there and go, “Oh, he’s so cute.”
GUILFOYLE: It’s the hairless ones.
RIVERA: It suddenly stops, doesn’t it?
BOLLING: I think she’s a pretty girl.
All right. We’ve got to go. Next, on the eve of Chris Christie’s 2016 announcement, we’ll debate his odds of winning the nomination and the White House. Stick around.
RIVERA: After, I think, planning a presidential run for decades, Chris Christie has released his first presidential campaign video ahead of his big official announcement tomorrow.
GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE, R-N.J.: I get accused a lot of times of being too blunt and too direct and saying what’s on my mind just a little bit too loudly.
I know if my mom were still alive, she would say to me, “I taught you that, in a trusting relationship, you don’t hold anything back.” And if you’re going to run for president of the United States and you’re going to ask these people for their vote, that is the single most trusting thing they can do as a citizen is to give you their support, so you better tell them exactly what you’re thinking and exactly what you’re feeling. And when you ask about my moral compass, that’s it. That’s it.
RIVERA: A charming and mellow video from a guy known for his bombast and his bluster. He will make, Dana, his formal announcement tomorrow in the high school he graduated from. I think it’s a bad idea. Why? Because David Wildstein, who has just pled guilty in Bridgegate, went to the same high school. It is inevitable that reporters like me will point that out. I think that Bridgegate will be the lodestone that he cannot recover from.
PERINO: I think that most Republicans think Bridgegate is a bunch of horse pucky. And I would say that this announcement tomorrow does surprise, I think, a lot of New Jersey Democrats, who including Julie Roginsky, who has said that she — that she didn’t think he would actually run. And she certainly doesn’t think that he could win.
I think the video was good. I think going to your high school, you know, that’s as good a choice as any. It’s certainly not the Statue of Liberty. That’s a little bit different. But going back to your roots, for him, I think it’s smart.
RIVERA: K.G., do you think that it’s horse pucky?
GUILFOYLE: I’m not sure what that is. But it sounds really bad, and I think it deserves (ph) an apology. Yes.
I like Chris Christie personally. I mean, he’s a former prosecutor. I understand where he’s coming from. I like that he tells it like it is. I like the reference that he made to his mother and how he was raised. He’s going back to his high school. I might go back to mine someday. They have a K.G. Media Center named after me.
PERINO: Oh, really?
RIVERA: Dana mentioned the Statue of Liberty, or Kimberly did. He planned there to make his victory announcement after his reelection with the Statue of Liberty behind him. He had a clear path, I thought, as an insurgent, independent Republican, for a substantial hunk of the preliminary vote. Instead, nobody attended. Everybody was talking about Bridgegate. Do you think that he can, you know, resume or regain, particularly with New Jersey? Nine straight fiscal downgrades.
BOLLING: Living in New Jersey for the last — I don’t know — 10 years, 15 years, my son went to the same high school that he’s going to make that announcement from, Livingston High School. There are so many problems.
I loved Chris Christie six years ago. I loved Chris Christie before the last election cycle. He said it the way it was. And then all of a sudden, something happened. After, you know, the whole boardwalk stuff, the handshake, pat on the back with President Obama.
SHILLUE: Pat on the back? He squeezed him like a mother.
BOLLING: That downgrades New Jersey.
BOLLING: Then there were downgrades in New Jersey. And so all the things that he had run on and been so big about, started to fall apart. His stance on the unions, with the teachers, with the other things.
When you really dug down, there weren’t that many changes that he was taking credit for that were actually real. They were pushed down the road so that future governors are going to have a hell of a problem in New Jersey, financially, as you probably know the numbers. He pushed a lot of that stuff so it looks good while he was in the governor, and 10 or 15 years down the road, there’s going to be big problems in New Jersey. So there are a lot of reasons why I had to push back…
GUILFOYLE: But he’s very good on a lot of the issues. If you listen to him speak, and I have recently, and he goes — he ticks it down. National security, foreign policy, I — you know.
BOLLING: But why would you vote for him over, say, Jeb Bush?
GUILFOYLE: Well, I have an open mind. And I’m going to listen, and I’m going to figure out who exactly is going to win in the general election.
RIVERA: I don’t like the fact that he never really established the marijuana clinics the voters in New Jersey wanted.
GUILFOYLE: Everything comes back to pot.
SHILLUE: These are all ancillary issues. Bridgegate, you’ve got to think like a Republican, Geraldo. Bridgegate doesn’t matter. Republicans do not care about that at all.
RIVERA: If I am a Republican, I care.
SHILLUE: What they care about is that big squeeze he gave to President Obama.
RIVERA: Caught in traffic for six hours. Six hours in one day. First day of school.
PERINO: It was investigated. And they have not revealed — no investigator has come forward and said they have something that connects Chris Christie to it. That’s why I’m saying Republicans, write large are like, “Meh.”
GUILFOYLE: Yes, I’m over the bridge thing.
RIVERA: Chris Christie disappointed me. He didn’t support me when I was going to run for Senate in New Jersey.
GUILFOYLE: But that’s what it’s about. See? See?
RIVERA: You talk about personal disappointment, no one has hurt me more than Donald Trump. And I’ll explain why after this. “The Five” returns.
SHILLUE: Today NBC ended its long-time relationship with Donald Trump after controversial comments he made about Mexican immigrants during his campaign announcement. Here’s Trump’s reaction.
DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think NBC, frankly — you know, I’ve had a great relationship with them. They didn’t want me to run, because they wanted me to do “The Apprentice.” As you know, they renewed “The Apprentice.” But I just told them I cannot do “The Apprentice” because of the fact that I’m running. And as long as I’m running for president, they were not happy with it.
And now, with my statements on immigration, which happen to be correct, they are going to take a different stance. And that’s OK. I mean, whatever they want to do is OK with me.
SHILLUE: Bolling, this is a business question to you: what is Trump doing? I mean, he is a businessman, right? He has properties. He’s interested in people coming to his casinos. What I don’t understand is why he wants to be such a polarizing figure in America when he — it’s in no one’s interest as a businessman to have half the country not like you.
BOLLING: Not sure it’s half. OK. So here’s the deal. We just praised Chris Christie for saying it like he — he says it the way he…
GUILFOYLE: Telling it like it is.
BOLLING: He says it the way he sees it. Tell it like it is. He calls it the way he sees them. And now we’re going to give Donald Trump grief for doing it.
Doesn’t matter. If you like Trump, hate him, doesn’t matter. NBC are the — is the big fool, are the fools here.
GUILFOYLE: “Fools of the Week”?
BOLLING: Of the year. Donald Trump’s show, “Celebrity Apprentice,” was No. 4 on the NBC lineup after NFL football — “Sunday Night Football,” after “The Voice,” “Blacklist,” and “Celebrity Apprentice.” They got 6.2 million viewers.
RIVERA: It was the cast.
BOLLING: They brought in a lot of money for NBC. But better yet, they brought in a lot of money for charity. Geraldo raised a lot of money for charity. They all raised money for charity. And NBC is cutting ties after he says this one issue, which he may clarify at some point. Yet, Al Sharpton, who’s said far more inciteful things — inciting or inciteful things — than Donald Trump ever said, still has a job at NBC. That’s foolish.
SHILLUE: That actually is a good point. Al Sharpton obviously has said more controversial things.
GUILFOYLE: There’s Geraldo.
SHILLUE: There’s Geraldo on the screen. Geraldo, I’ll go to you. I don’t understand what Trump is doing. To me, I never took him seriously as a candidate. It always seems like it’s kind of self-promotion, but is it?
RIVERA: I absolutely disagree with that. I think he’s one of the most creative, innovative, effective businessmen ever. He has remade the face of New York. There’s a whole neighborhood on the West Side that he created. He got the ice skating rink back. New York City couldn’t do it for 15 years. He took a garbage dump in the Bronx and made it one of the loveliest golf courses on earth.
Still, he broke my heart with this thing. I cannot begin to tell you how hurtful these comments about Mexican immigrants. However you feel about undocumented immigrants, every poll says they commit fewer crimes than citizens. And to label them drug dealers and murderers and rapists when there are 500,000 undocumented immigrants in New York City in the five boroughs. You never hear about them raping.
You know, it is a preposterous charge. It is false. It has led — in the Latino community, I cannot overstate how this has been received so sourly, so badly by so many people.
And I begged him in two tweets — I haven’t spoken to him. I’ve tried to get him on the radio show. Usually, he comes right on. He’s been ducking me. I tweeted out twice, “I’m your friend for life. I admire you so much. Please apologize for these crude remarks.” I have not gotten a response.
SHILLUE: Well, Dana, he did say at the end, he said some of them are OK. Didn’t he give a little — he said some of them are OK.
PERINO: He has tried to soften it. He put out a statement today that was trying to explain it more.
On the NBC thing, I actually think that both parties, NBC and Donald Trump, should have actually solved this before, because if you are going to run for president, and since he did announce, then they probably should have just cleanly severed the ties to everything, instead of waiting until this moment and the Miss Universe pageant and everything. I think that would have been actually better for both parties, NBC and Trump.
I also think there’s a difference. When you talk about Sharpton, lord knows we have talked about him enough on the show, but he’s not running for president. Once you announce running for president, everything changes. So if you make a comment that is offensive, it is going to have far greater consequences than if you’re Al Sharpton and not running.
SHILLUE: Kimberly wants to make a quick point.
GUILFOYLE: I think this is NBC’s loss. I mean, he was a tremendous revenue producer and a winner for that network. And they should have handled it in a better, more appropriate way. And I predict they will be begging him to come back.
SHILLUE: All right. “One More Thing” is up next.
PERINO: Time now for “One More Thing.” Do not miss this. Eric, you’re up.
BOLLING: OK. So Sean O’Rourke, one of our producers, says, “Hey, Boll, do you want to get Doobed?”
I go, “What is it?”
He goes, “Just get Doobed.”
BOLLING: I go, “I’ll do it if K.G. does it.” K.G. said she would get Doobed, too. However, she kind of blew us off. But check out what I did.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, a doll.
BOLLING: Three-D printer printed version. I had to go downtown to this company called Doob. Fifty-four cameras take a 360-degree pictures of you. And then it’s printed in plastic. It’s just absolutely amazing. By the way, fantastic for families.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Look at your missing (ph).
BOLLING: And dogs.
SHILLUE: Did you have that in your pocket, Eric? I was wondering about that.
GUILFOYLE: What do you mean dog?
BOLLING: You can Doob your dog. They have a shorter lifespan.
RIVERA: Do you walk around with that? Just admire it?
GUILFOYLE: You know he does. You know what? It looks like you have gray hair in that.
BOLLING: I don’t.
PERINO: Yes, you do. All right.
GUILFOYLE: It’s kind of scary.
PERINO: All right. K.G., go first.
GUILFOYLE: I just want to say thank you to everybody for buying the book “Making the Case.” We had a big book party, great reason to write a book. Right? There you go. There’s “The Five,” in full force and effect and a bunch of the ladies, chicas from Fox News. Me and Paula Abdul. She stopped by, gave me a big hug and kiss, yes.
And then one of my best friends in the world is Gigi and my friend Nick. It was a lot of fun. We had a great time. It was nice to see all my colleagues there. And thank you to fans and viewers and listeners that I’ve been doing all the radio for making it a national best seller. And it’s been great. Lots of nice feedback.
GUILFOYLE: Congratulations.
PERINO: So I was in Vegas this weekend, and my cousin got married. This is Preston and Nicole Perino. They got married at the Planet Hollywood Chapel. It was very special. They’re from Newcastle, Wyoming. They’re ranchers. And you’ve a closer up picture of them. She’s lovely, and he’s my little cousin. He’s the youngest one, and there he is all grown up. So congratulations to them both.
PERINO: Geraldo.
RIVERA: Whatever you think of the socialite businesswoman Paris Hilton, star of her own home sex videos, here she is actually very terrified. She was punked horribly by an Egyptian reality show that had her thinking — just go back to the picture — that she was on a small plane, that she was crashing. They’re all actors on board. They had two guys that were skydivers jump out the door. She was in a total, total panic.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.
RIVERA: Contrast her experience with this little girl. I love this video. A little 4-year-old girl flying in the backseat of her daddy’s small plane. Her name is Leah. The dad is the president of Quebec’s aviation club. And he took her out, and she absolutely loved it. And it’s just the best thing a dad can do.
PERINO: I would say some P.R. advice for Paris Hilton, when they call and they say, “Egyptian reality show,” say no. What were you thinking?
PERINO: Tom, take us into the end.
SHILLUE: I grew up in a great down, Norwood, Massachusetts. I went to school with a guy named Frankie Clark. He always made me laugh. He had cancer this past year, and his dying wish was to see the Patriots at the Super Bowl. And friends and family, we sent him to the Super Bowl, and he got his wish. Frankie recently passed away, and condolences to his family.
PERINO: He will be missed.
All right. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of “The Five.” That is it for us. “Special Report” up next.
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The Five, hosted by Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Juan Williams, and Andrea Tantaros, airs on Weekdays at 5PM ET on Fox News Channel.