Kyra Phillips on fertility, family and having it all

Great career, love, family – can women really have it all?

Yes, according to CNN anchor Kyra Phillips, who opens up about her struggle getting pregnant and her advice for other women in her book, “The Whole Life Fertility Plan.”

Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros spoke to Phillips about fertility and the growing trend of women freezing their eggs.

“Every time I open a newspaper or click on some female blog, there’s a story about women and egg freezing,” Tantaros said. “Women are doing more, but they’re putting off child birth and they’re having trouble when it comes time to have a baby.”

Phillips said she spent her 20s focused on her career and it wasn’t until she hit 30 that she began thinking about getting pregnant.

“Years went by, I’m covering the war in Iraq, I’m going through a horrible divorce, my house floods, I lose everything, and I’m sitting on my porch thinking, ‘Oh my god. Major panic attack, anxiety. I don’t have a family, I don’t have kids, I don’t have the whole package,’ which is what I desperately wanted,” Phillips said. “There is nothing out there to show women what they can do now to preserve their fertility.”

Phillips, who is married to Fox News’ John Roberts, opted to undergo fertility treatment and is now the mother of twins.

“We want to have it all, right? We want to have that great job. We want to be in love. We want to have kids,” Phillips said. “There’s a lot of people who don’t want to have kids and family and that’s OK, but for me, I really wanted to enjoy all those fruits of life and so I want all women of all ages to be empowered by this book and know that it is possible.”

Watch the full interview in the video above.