Tag Archives: aclu

Polygamous Montana trio applies for wedding license

HELENA, Mont. – A Montana man said Wednesday that he was inspired by last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage to apply for a marriage license so that he can legally wed his second wife. Nathan Collier and…

‘All about the money’: Motorists plagued by sky-high Calif. traffic ticket fines

Casey Campbell served two tours in Iraq, but the fight of his life is in California. After driving without a seat belt and no front plate, he got a $25 traffic ticket that jumped to $300 with assessments and surcharges.…

Most illegal immigrants from border surge skipped court date after release, records show

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrant women and children streamed across the U.S. border last year seeking asylum and protected status, claiming a “credible fear” of going home to the violence in Central America. President Obama addressed the crisis through…

LARRY GATLIN: There Are No Atheists In Foxholes — Or In Coal Mines

It’s said that there are no atheists in fox holes. I would add… or in a coal mine if you are there for 69 days. ; “And JESUS was in the tomb for three days and on the third day…