Tag Archives: archives

Confederacy purge builds steam, while last century’s worst villains spared

The battle flag of the Confederate army has long been controversial, but now it is being banned online and in stores. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain, File) All symbols of the Confederacy are rapidly disappearing from stores, websites and the public…

Analysis: In Baltimore unrest, liberalism on trial?

“This has been a slow-rolling crisis,” President Obama said at the White House on Tuesday, standing alongside the Japanese prime minister. “This is not new, and we shouldn’t pretend that it’s new.” In that assessment of the origins of the…

Author Peter Schweizer on following the ‘Clinton Cash’ trail

This is a rush transcript from “Fox News Sunday,” April 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: I’m Chris Wallace. ;Allegations of millions of dollars in speaking…

The Foxhole: Michael Pillsbury, real-life ‘Smoking Man’ from Nixon to Obama, unravels China’s secrets

In autumn 1969, President Nixon and his White House national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, worried that one of the president’s main foreign policy objectives – the opening to China – conflicted with another: détente, the diplomatic overture to the Soviet…

Hillary Clinton In Trouble, Again: Are we watching a cheap spy movie or a presidential campaign?

At what point do Democrats give up on Hillary Clinton? We must be getting close. The most recent revelation – that Hillary used an untraceable personal email account during her tenure as Secretary of State — should be a tipping…

ABC, CBS, NBC cover up IRS, VA scandals but love Christie’s bridge troubles

Imagine Watergate. America’s greatest political scandal took down a president. Only picture The Washington Post barely covering it. The story would have died on the vine. Richard Nixon would have completed his term in office without scandal. He would have…

Let’s create a process for citizenship that honors America’s immigrants

Jan. 29, 2013: Illegal immigrants and immigration activists watch a live image of President Barack Obama speaking about immigration reform as they sit together in Miami. (AP) When my great, great grandparents came to America from Europe a century ago,…