Tag Archives: boehner

The media’s missing Linc

Dec. 11, 2014: Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee responds to questions during an interview with The Associated Press in his office at the Statehouse, in Providence, R.I. (AP) **Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.**…

Boehner playing dangerous game by mixing Israel, race

Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) trip to Israel this week is so blatantly political that even the avowedly impartial Associated Press describes it as looking “like a jab at the White House.” It is worse than that. President Obama can jab…

School Reform: Congress has stopped looking out for America’s kids

Editor’s note: The following column first appeared in The Hill newspaper and on TheHill.com. Last week President Obama invited a small group of journalists, including me, to talk with him at the White House. The conversation was off-the-record. But speaking…

State Of The Union Speech Emphasizes Economic Successes, Misses The Mark On Foreign Policy

President Obama did his best tonight to make Americans forget what happened just a few months ago at the November midterm election. He sounded like the man at the head of the party that just won control of the House…

Republicans start small on ObamaCare, cross fingers for court intervention

Jan. 7, 2015: House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP) HERSHEY, Pa. – Republican leaders have yet to spell out their strategy for tackling ObamaCare now that they control Congress,…

What’s next for ObamaCare?

Now that the midterm elections – featuring ObamaCare as a key issue – are over, the big question is what’s next for the president’s health care plan. “ObamaCare was an issue for the candidates, it was an issue for the…

Impeachment Talk Won’t Help The GOP

The Republicans are standing on the brink of yet another missed opportunity to capitalize on a Democrat party with their backs against the wall. Obamacare is still struggling. There are thousands of illegal migrants streaming across the southern border. Ukraine…

Divided GOP only thing Obama, Democrats have going for them before 2014 midterms

April 29, 2014: House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, joined by Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., talks to reporters following a Republican strategy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington.AP Tuesday’s Washington Post/ABC News poll will not be welcome news to a…

Why David Jolly’s Florida win should be a warning to Democrats in 2014 and beyond

Tuesday was a dark day for the Democrats. In the midst of crumbling foreign policy endeavors in Ukraine, Syria and Iran and an ever-growing backlash over President Obama’s unpopular health care policy, the Democrats lost Florida’s 13th Congressional district in…

You Can Keep Your Health Insurance Plan — But What Else Are You Losing?

Bowing to pressure, President Barack Obama said Thursday he will permit continued sale of individual insurance plans that have been canceled because they failed to meet coverage standards under the health care law. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) In this afternoon’s press…