Tag Archives: campaign

The Foxhole: Matt Bai on Gary Hart, tabloid politics, and America’s ‘Aha!’ moment

Matt Bai is a sharp and likable guy, a seasoned reporter with an open face and ears that are always wide open: Like all good reporters, Bai – the national political columnist for Yahoo News, formerly a longtime political correspondent…

Iran’s ‘Happy’ dancers sentenced to 91 lashes, jail

Iran’s latest crackdown on freedom includes lashes and prison for seven young adults who posted a video of themselves dancing to the American pop hit “Happy” and a death sentence for a blogger accused of insulting Prophet Muhammad. The seven…

Massachusetts weighs ballot measure allowing doctor-assisted suicides

In 2010, a Boston doctor diagnosed Heather Clish’s father with brain cancer, giving him only six months to live. Lee Johnson didn’t want to suffer and decided to end his life. “It was very important to him to die with…