Tag Archives: cancer

The kindness of strangers: How donations to small foundations benefit cancer research

Dodged another bullet. I am grateful that my CT scan this week showed “no change,” which means that the cancer in my liver is stable, not growing. This Phase One study drug has truly been remarkable for me. It has…

Explaining the inexplicable: On considering a book about my cancer battle

I spent the last four days at a writing workshop. I have been toying with the idea of writing a book that would chronicle these 13 years of living with stage 4 cancer. I would write about the good, the…

A walk to remember: Raising awareness about pancreatic cancer

From left to right: Kerri Kaplan, executive director & CEO of The Lustgarten Foundation, Alicia Rivera, Laura Ingle Kramme, Kenny Kramme, Jackson Kramme and Nick Sabino at The Lustgarten Foundation’s New York City Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk at Pier 84…

The medicine that helped me forget about cancer for three days

Pins and needles and scan results— so it goes for me every eight weeks. During my last appointment, my doctor informed me that my tumor marker numbers were rising, which often means something is brewing. This makes waiting for CT…

Media go nuts over presidential corruption… in Nixon White House

A White House in disarray. The nation torn between left and right. Government agencies used for dirty tricks against political opponents. The CIA involved in domestic spying. It’s a good thing the American media are on the scene, giving detailed…

How owning a dog can improve your health

(GERMANY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT ANIMALS) When illness or injury strikes, the road to recovery is often paved with medications and therapies, in addition to a healthy diet, physical activity and plenty of TLC. Healing is serious business, and you must be…

Can organic farming save us from overexposure to pesticides?

(REUTERS/Mike Blake/Files) Organic produce is unlike its conventionally-grown counterpart. Careful steps are taken to ensure every carrot, strawberry, beet, potato or head of lettuce is cultivated using organic, time-tested practices, like spreading house-made fertilizer on crops or irrigating from open…

6 Top Health Myths

(iStock) An old wives’ tale, an urban legend — call it what you will, but you’ve all heard them. Be it from your mom when you were ill, from your friends while sitting around a campfire, or from a story…

9 Best Canned Foods

(iStock) When it comes to eating canned foods, common sense is in order. Plenty of myths abound about the impact canning and preserving have on foods, much in the same way they exist about frozen produce (a lot of which…