Tag Archives: candidate

An open letter to my friends Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee

Dear Governors Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee. Old friends, I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m pretty sure that all three of you will be asking me to campaign for you somewhere along “the trail.” It will,…

What’s Next For Venezuela

As the dust begins to settle since the news that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had succumbed to cancer, the real issue that Venezuelans currently face is transition. The coming months are crucial to Venezuela’s future. The first real step towards…

No Knockout Punch In Foreign Policy Debate

Tonight’s debate was comparable to last week’s town hall – neither candidate managed to deliver a convincing win like Romney in the first debate, but Obama finished with a slight edge. Judging by the first fifteen minutes of the debate,…

Why ‘The Donald’ Trumps Obama’s Cult of Celebrity

If I were to have told you five years ago that somewhere in the near future, we would see a candidate whisked into office not based on any previous political accomplishments, not for any stellar track record with the American…