Tag Archives: ceo

Donald Trump for president? Why billionaire’s candidacy is no joke

I’m not endorsing anyone for president (yet). But I am on the record as saying Scott Walker has the perfect record (as Governor and anti-union warrior) to be the winning candidate in 2016. I’m also a fan of Rand Paul,…

Is conservative free speech banned in America?

(Reuters) Is there free speech left in America…if you’re a conservative or Christian? Isn’t free speech protected by the U.S. Constitution? Can your views cost you your job, career or property? Don’t look now but it’s happening. Views considered “too…

South Carolina veterinarians say their business is being neutered by shelters

Veterinarians in South Carolina want state lawmakers to rescue them – from animal shelters they say are taking away their business. The shelters, which not only spay or neuter feral animals, but also provide heartworm tests and dental care, have…

The Other Davos

When the One Young World conference begins tomorrow, Pittsburgh will play host to the largest international gathering other than the Olympics or the United Nations — with emerging leaders from nearly 200 countries sharing ideas about global solutions. This event…