Tag Archives: chinese

Explorer plans hunt for Genghis Khan’s long-lost tomb

Alan Nichols, the president of the Explorers Club, maps out possible locations for the tomb of Genghis Khan. (The Explorers Club) Alan Nichols, the president of the Explorers Club, maps out possible locations for the tomb of Genghis Khan. (The…

Mr. Obama, it’s not the software that’s the problem, it’s Big Government liberalism

So the Obama administration claims it’s found someone to come in and clean up the disaster that is the ObamaCare website aka HealthCare.gov. He’s Jeffrey Zients, Obama’s new Director of the National Economic Council whom Obama has employed as “fixer”…

Edward Snowden And The Russian And Chinese Advantage

Another day, another humiliation for the Obama administration. As I argued on my show, Political Insiders, with Pat Caddell and John Leboutiller yesterday, Russia has once again embarrassed the US and President Obama by harboring former NSA contractor Edward Snowden…

The Venezuelan Election Settled Nothing

Nicolas Maduro’s 1.5% win indicated that Venezuela is, at best, a totally divided society. It also suggests that the winner, Maduro, has no legitimacy. In winning the election, Maduro deployed tens of millions–if not hundreds of millions–of dollars in state…

China’s cotton stockpiling threatens to devastate American producers

AIKEN, S.C. – The Unites States is the third-largest producer of cotton, a product that everyone wears, everyone uses. But that may not be enough to ensure the security of the American cotton industry, with China now a major player…

‘Stealth’ Chinese Fighter Jet Photos No Accident

The Chinese have deliberately and very cleverly leaked their new fifth generation stealth fighter, the J-20, just in time for Secretary of Defense Gates’ long delayed visit to Beijing this Sunday. This is another move by the Chinese to subtly…

Cooking With Spices

(iStock) In man’s eternal quest for health, he has turned to many natural remedies that include the mythical aphrodisiacal properties of tiger penis soup to the weird and wonderful world of eel porn. Now, if your local Whole Foods happens…

U.S. Swings Back at China in Copenhagen

President Obama’s top climate change negotiator arrived in Copenhagen Wednesday swinging back at Chinese demands for the United States to increase its emission reduction goals. “With respect to our emissions, it’s true our emissions have gone up since 1990,” Todd…