Tag Archives: christianity

2 pastors in Sudan face death over Christian faith

Yat Michael Ruot, a Presbyterian pastor from South Sudan, was arrested after preaching in Sudan in December. Two Christian pastors from South Sudan who traveled north to Sudan and were arrested on charges of spying could face the death penalty…

Mama Maggie: the ‘Mother Teresa of Cairo’ inspires Coptic Christians

The brutal beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIS terrorists shocked the world. But almost as worldview shattering was the strong faith of the victims, even in the face of certain death. Now we know where their…

UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the U.N.’s top human rights body, that would be Israel. Last week, Israel was the U.N.’s number one women’s rights violator. This week…

Longtime lawmaker Frank Wolf’s new fight to represent Middle East’s Christians

Former U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf is frustrated at how religious persecution is thriving in the Middle East while the West seems not to heed his or anyone else’s warnings. It’s one of the reasons the Republican finally left Congress last…

Why Lent?

Why do Lent? From the first centuries of Christianity the Church has encouraged a time of preparation for Easter that includes prayer and fasting. As early as 203 A.D., one of the early church fathers, Ireneaus, said that the various…

Hobby shop magnate’s own passion is massive collection of Bible artifacts

This manuscript contains the Gospels, Eusebian Canon Tables and portraits of the Evangelists. Each Gospel begins with a folio written with gold-over-magenta. Similar to other eastern Mediterranean and Palestinian Gospel manuscripts, it ; ;was copied ;in 1156 for the ;John…