Tag Archives: convention

Marriage equality, the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice’s cousin

Chief Justice John Roberts. (AP) Today, the Supreme Court considered a case about whether voters in a state can pass a law that arguably violates the Constitution of the United States of America. ; The case about to decide the…

Obama’s convention speech no game changer

One thing became clear Thursday night in Charlotte and that is that Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton riveted the hall Wednesday night with a spirited defense of President Obama, support for bipartisanship and a very clear notion…

Romney takes a giant step in the right direction

Accepting his party’s nomination for president Thursday night in Tampa Mitt Romney delivered a solid speech. It succeeded in beginning the process of humanizing the former Massachusetts governor. ;It demonstrated his comittment to women and his view of government. It…

Rice leads triple-punch of heavy hitters in Tampa triumph

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice led off a crucial triple-punch combination that transfixed the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday night. Hurricane Isaac thankfully hit the Sunshine State with a pale echo of Category 3 Hurricane Katrina…

A New Candidate Might Be The Best Option For An Increasingly Dispirited And Divided GOP

With Mitt Romney now holding a 14-15 point lead over Rick Santorum in Illinois — according to two most recent telephone surveys of Illinois primary voters – it is all but certain that the former Massachusetts governor will at the…

Happy Birthday, James Madison. Thank You for Fighting So Hard for Our Constitution

Wouldn’t it be quite the scandal if the president of the United States were to pimp out his wife and her sister to use their sexual favors to win the endorsement of his influential predecessor? It was a smear that…