Tag Archives: council

After Charlottesville, Unity Must Come Before All Else

If the events in Charlottesville, Virginia have revealed anything to me, it is that we are lacking any real efforts to unify our country. No political party has undertaken the awesome responsibility of unifying our country. Instead, our political leaders,…

Why this libertarian (and others) love immigration

Yikes, you really hate me! Many of you, anyway, based on Twitter and Facebook comments posted after I argued immigration with Ann Coulter on my TV show. “Move into an illegal-heavy neighborhood and get back to us!” “Another libertarian who…

Governed by Zealots

The government’s environmental rules defeat even environmentalists. Thomas Collier is a Democrat who managed environmental policy for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Then he noticed a mining opportunity in Alaska, one he calls “the single largest deposit of gold and…

Why selling baby parts should shock no one

“…if we come to see ourselves as meat, then meat we shall become.” — Leon Kass, M.D., “Toward a More Natural Science” What is most shocking about an undercover video of a conversation between Deborah Nucatola, a Planned Parenthood executive,…

Lost boys: Moms of radicalized Western jihadists form support group

Boudreau hopes other mothers don’t go through what she did. (Courtesy: Boudreau family) Islamic teaching states that “paradise lies at the feet of your mother,” and a group of Western moms who lost their sons first to radicalization and then…

Iran satellite launches tied to ballistic missile program, UN experts say

EXCLUSIVE: Iran has launched a space satellite using technology that could “contribute to” the development of a ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons, according to a United Nations-appointed panel of experts monitoring the issue. Tehran intends to launch more…

Turkey’s election results were a big surprise. What’s next?

Make no mistake: Turkey’s 76 million people, 86 percent of whom cast votes in the national parliamentary election Sunday, delivered a stunning rebuke to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamist who has dominated Turkish politics as prime minister and now…

Unions seek exemption from LA minimum wage law they helped pass

Union leaders in Los Angeles are being accused of hypocrisy after being caught trying to exempt themselves from a new minimum wage law they tried to impose on others. For months, organized labor went after companies like McDonalds and Walmart,…

Emanuel starts 2nd term, as Chicago financial crisis deepens with ‘junk’ rating

A few months ago, winning re-election was Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s biggest problem. Now, his problem seems to be that he won. His prize is a mountain of financial problems, so severe that the ongoing gunfire in the rough parts…

‘Assault weapons’ debate: The folly of Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s buyback bill

Gun control advocates introduced a bill in April that only gun control supporters could love. Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro is so serious about getting so-called assault weapons off the street that she is offering $2,000 tax credits for each…