Tag Archives: crisis

Ukraine Gets A Bailout — Still Needs More Support

Far from the scandals of Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate and the hoopla surrounding Senate Republicans’ “Iran letter,” the crisis in Ukraine continues to boil. Yet even the most ardent news junkies could be forgiven for being under informed on the subject—…

As relations with Cuba thaw, US must check Russia, China military interests

President Obama’s decision to open relations with Cuba was the right thing to do — but not for the reasons he gave. As usual, the president couldn’t resist the temptation rise above petty criticisms of his predecessors’ “failed policies” to…

What We Need To Hear From President Obama On His ISIS Strategy Tomorrow Night

We’ve been hungering for consensus in America and we’ve got it: 91% of Americans see ISIS as a threat to the vital interests of the United States, according to a new Washington Post poll. 71% of respondents support airstrikes in…

Obama Asks For $3.7 Billion To Aid Border But What We Really Need Is Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Yesterday, President Obama requested close to $4 billion from Congress to help handle the surge of young migrants – mostly children 12 years old and under – crossing the Texas border from Central America. The money will be used to…

State Budgets Still in Need of Major Reform

Despite improving tax revenues and numerous reforms, state and local government finances remain in need of major fixes, a task force said Tuesday. Public employee retirement benefits remain a major problem, according to the State Budget Crisis Task Force, with…

Obama sets out to save his legacy — will it work?

President Obama has begun a new 20 day effort to sell the Affordable Care Act. And while his press conference on Tuesday was less defensive and more forward looking than his previous comments, it very much remains to be seen…

Please, Mr. President, for the good of the country, let’s delay ObamaCare

Today, President Obama and the Democrats are faced with the opportunity to take a timeout – a timeout from ObamaCare. I believe that they should delay ObamaCare for six months to a year. America’s health care system isn’t something that…