Tag Archives: crisis

Weak Jobs Numbers, Weak Reelection Prospects

Move upMove down U.S. Adds Fewest Jobs In A Year, Unemployment Rate Rises to 8.2% Abram Brown Forbes Staff Sparkle Returns To Gold After Dismal Jobs Data, Promise Of QE3 Abram Brown Forbes Staff President Obama’s only claim to reelection…

The Obama Campaign’s Nixonian “White House Enemies List”

The Obama campaign is now marshaling the power of the office of the presidency against private citizens — using the Obama campaign’s “Truth Team” to target individual Romney donors and supporters in a way that is alarmingly reminiscent of Richard…

Could seniors sink Obama in 2012?

Much attention has been focused recently on the alleged and so-called “Republican War on Women,” which has produced a gender gap that in some polls recently has exceeded 20 percent. But there is another war that is soon likely to…

An Obama vs. Romney race poised to offer Bush v. Gore-style drama

The 2012 election has all the makings of the epic Bush v. Gore battle of the 2000 presidential election. With less than 2,000 votes separating Gore and Bush when the polls closed on Election Night 2000, ; ; the final…

No End In Sight

The Republican Presidential primary race remains Mitt Romney’s to win, but that has more to do with arithmetic and delegates than it does with votes. With Romney’s third place finish in Mississippi and Alabama yesterday, any prospect of a quick…

While voters say Romney is most electable candidate, his electoral vulnerabilities are becoming increasingly clear

The latest CBS News/New York Times poll shows a clear sense within the Republican primary electorate that Mitt Romney is the most electable of the four candidates vying for the GOP nomination. 73 percent of GOP voters in the CBS/New…

Medical Innovation and Safety: A Delicate Balance

As we approach the November 2012 elections, there is an increasing amount of noise from politicians, pundits and talking heads on both sides of the aisle about major health care issues.  Controversial and polarizing topics such as reforming Medicare and…

C’mon America, we’re bigger than our partisan divide — what Olympia Snowe’s departure tells us

Tuesday’s retirement announcement by Olympia Snowe – who said that she was quitting because she was frustrated “that an atmosphere of polarization and ‘my way or the highway’ ideologies has become pervasive in campaigns and in our governing institutions” –…