Tag Archives: debate

Women, wake up, men have made your life better, not worse

There’s a reason the text version of Camille Paglia’s opening statement at the Munk Debate, “Resolved: Men Are Obsolete” garnered 10K likes on Facebook and received more than one thousand comments at Time.com: it hit a nerve. It was a…

Biden needs to grow up before he grows older

Oct. 11, 2012: Joe Biden and Paul Ryan participate in the vice presidential debate. (AP/Reuters Pool) On Thursday night in Danville, Kentucky, Vice President Joe Biden demonstrated that he is not qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.…

The Bounce Has Begun

The first round of post-debate polls are beginning to roll in. We are seeing a modest, but real, bounce for Romney in a number of key swing states. On Wednesday before the debate, Obama was leading in Florida by one…