Tag Archives: device

Throwable camera aims to save lives

Is it a child’s bouncing ball or the latest in covert surveillance? A new bouncing ball lets law enforcement, military personnel, and search and rescue teams quickly evaluate dangerous environments before they enter them. Bounce Imaging makes the Explorer throwable…

Facebook twists reality again and risks ruining your children

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gestures while delivering the keynote address at the f8 Facebook Developer Conference Wednesday, April 30, 2014, in San Francisco. (AP) Facebook’s recent $2 billion acquisition of the virtual reality company Oculus VR means that millions of…

No science fiction: Company shows off real-world Star Trek ‘tricorder’

In Walter De Brouwer’s right hand, the tricorder used on the TV series “Star Trek.” In his left hand, a real-world version he has invented. (Jeremy Kaplan/FoxNews.com) “Bones” would have approved. On a mission to boldly go where no man…

What Do We Do Now? The Way Forward For The President, Congress And America

Things look very different than 2011. Indeed, the conflict over raising the debt ceiling strikes a familiar note. And the power players are the same, too. But while President Obama talked to House Speaker Boehner almost every day during the…