Tag Archives: education

Texas student sues after college bans gun rights sign

A Texas college student filed suit against her school this week, saying her constitutional rights were violated when she was shooed off the quad for displaying a pro-Second Amendment sign. Nicole Sanders, 24, who attends Blinn College, a two-year public…

Forecast: Michigan tax revenues up $365 million as Snyder, lawmakers push toward budget deal

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan tax revenues are projected to be $365 million higher over two years than previously estimated, mostly because of economic growth — prompting key lawmakers to suggest Friday that much or all of the surplus money go…

‘Assault weapons’ debate: The folly of Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s buyback bill

Gun control advocates introduced a bill in April that only gun control supporters could love. Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro is so serious about getting so-called assault weapons off the street that she is offering $2,000 tax credits for each…

Why I plan to vote for Rand Paul for president

It’s not smart to get too enthusiastic about any politician. I’ve been disappointed often. I believed Bill Clinton when he said, “the era of big government is over.” I thought George W. Bush was a “small government guy.” And Barack…

School Reform: Congress has stopped looking out for America’s kids

Editor’s note: The following column first appeared in The Hill newspaper and on TheHill.com. Last week President Obama invited a small group of journalists, including me, to talk with him at the White House. The conversation was off-the-record. But speaking…

In defense of whole milk

Could whole milk help win the fight against obesity? (iStock) It’s hard to resist a glass of cold, creamy whole milk with a warm brownie or a piece of pie. But resist we do, because for 50 years scientists have…

Ed Asner defends crude union video, asks to "piss on" Fox News producer

Even Lou Grant never treated newsroom employees this badly. Ed Asner, the 83-year-old, seven-time Emmy Award winner who recently narrated an animated California teachers union video that initially depicted a rich man urinating on common folks, bristled when a Fox…