Tag Archives: facebook

When ignorance is bliss: The question I’m too afraid to ask my doctors

A cancer patient shows off her breast cancer survivor bracelet. (REUTERS/Jim Bourg) Cancer is ever-changing. It’s got you by the throat and is not about to let go. There will be times along the way that you can keep it…

Earth Day reflection: What have you done to better our planet?

There are certain days each year that call for reflection. Maybe it’s your birthday, or an anniversary. For some people, it’s a holiday: Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day. We take stock of where we are, what we’ve done, and what…

The medicine that helped me forget about cancer for three days

Pins and needles and scan results— so it goes for me every eight weeks. During my last appointment, my doctor informed me that my tumor marker numbers were rising, which often means something is brewing. This makes waiting for CT…

Congress must make Chemical Safety Act live up to its name

The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act for the 21st Century has a nice ring to it. Named for the late, longtime New Jersey Senator who passed away in 2013, the bill, championed in the Senate by Republican David Vitter…

As email controversy rages, Hillary Clinton courts her army — women

The bottom line on Emailgate? It won’t move the needle. People who support Hillary Clinton are resolute. They loved her throughout the Whitewater investigation, the firings in the travel office, the selling of the Lincoln bedroom, the Benghazi inquiry and…

When gatekeepers step aside, the local crowd flourishes

For years, people assumed encyclopedias had to be created by professionals. Then Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales attempted to create an encyclopedia without central planners. That sounded like a terrible idea to the old gatekeepers — people who hired experts to…

Claman on Call: Shutterfly Is Not For Sale

Another day of gains for the U.S. stock market — all major U.S. indices finished the day in the green, with both the S&P 500 and the Russell 2000 closing at record highs. Healthcare was the top-performing sector in the…

Washington, Silicon Valley and the beauty of spontaneous order

Most of life happens without a central planner. Yet people think we need one. Suppose you’d never seen a skating rink, and I told you that I want to lay down some ice and charge people money to strap sharp…

Terrorists can strike any time, anywhere: Self defense saves lives

Terrorists can strike anywhere and at any time, giving them a huge strategic advantage.Unfortunately, too many politicians around the world are refusing to admit this. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris earlier this month, France placed 10,000 uniformed soldiers…

Je Suis Charlie? Media need to stop covering for murderous Muslims

Every Islamic terror attack is like a grenade. The blast brutally kills and cripples its victims. Most nearby dive for cover. That’s what the American media have been doing for decades. Every time another Muslim terrorist ;beheads, ;butchers ;or ;bombs,…