Tag Archives: ferguson

Obama’s leadership tank is out of gas: President shrinks as our challenges grow

If ever America needed a president who could speak to and for all the people, this would be such a moment. If only we had such a president. Wherever you look, whatever the topic, the Founders’ spirit of American exceptionalism…

Justice Department reached only possible conclusion in Michael Brown case

Three-and-a-half months after a St. Louis Grand Jury decided not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for Michael Brown’s death, President Obama’s Department of Justice has finally followed suit – admitting that there is no case to be brought…

Michael Brown case: Media hype trumps appeal for calm in Ferguson

Ferguson, Mo., is sadly back in the news. The city and an eager media anticipate a grand jury decision in the possible indictment of Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of an African-American teenager. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a…