Tag Archives: freedom

Dignity… We All Crave It, So Why Do We Keep Ignoring It?

“Treat people as they want to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe What is the motivating force behind all human interaction – in families, in communities, in the business…

In Montana, a Fight Over Separation of Church and Fairgrounds

Aug. 11: Pastor Keith Mobley’s church, Christian Assembly Foursquare, is one of the churches that joins together to put on an annual Christian worship service at the Missoula County Fair in Montana. The service will not take place this year,…

Remembering Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Shortly after the Civil War both the North and South started to recognize those warriors who died in the epic war of our time. Originally this day was called “Decoration Day,” in which all the graves of those killed in…

Socialized Medicine Is Not a Fundamental Right

By Father Jonathan Morris Published July 15, 2009 President Obama and his political team — starring David Axelrod, Rahm Emmanuel, and Robert Gibbs — will begin a full court press with the American public today to sell their $1 trillion…