Tag Archives: herman-cain

The Conservative Case for Mitt Romney

I love Herman Cain: I applauded Rick Perry’s entry into the presidential race. But if conservatives really want to roll back government, keep America out of new and far more dangerous foreign wars, generate new jobs and save the country…

Could Cain Be the Second Coming of Reagan?

There was bad news on the doorstep for Mitt Romney Thursday. The headline at the top of page one in the Wall Street Journal shouted what Mitt Romney didn’t want to hear: “Cain Vaults to Lead in Poll.” Once again,…

Is Jon Stewart Racist?

Let’s say a white guy goes on television, puts on an exaggerated “Amos ‘n Andy” “black voice” and proceeds to make fun of a black man whose politics the white guy doesn’t like. Actually, let’s say he goes beyond merely…