Tag Archives: iran

‘Wishful Thinking’: Obama’s ex-military intel chief blasts Iran talks in scathing testimony

A former top military intelligence official under President Obama on Wednesday blasted the administration’s pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran, calling it a “placeholder” based on “wishful thinking.” Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence…

Fox News Poll: Obama ‘too soft’ in negotiating with Iran, deal won’t work

More voters than not think President Barack Obama is giving away too much in the nuclear talks with Iran — and that it’s pointless to make a deal with Iran anyway. ; So it’s unsurprising that approval of the president’s…

Hillary Clinton, private email and more questions about character

Another day, another news story questioning the character and judgment of Hillary Clinton. This time it’s a question of conducting official government business on a private email account. First, that is not allowed. Second, a private email account is not…

Obama Flubs Iraq

It has been a rough week in Iraq. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, has stormed into Fallujah, Mosul, and Tikrit in Iraq’s Sunni north, and is eager to strike at Baghdad. In a historic move, Kurdish…

Obama Opts To Delay and Diffuse

In Tuesday’s address President Obama didn’t change any minds. And he certainly didn’t offer any answers to the litany of questions from Congressmen, Senators, commentators and everyday Americans that have been posed since the President came out in support of…

What We Need To Hear From Obama At The Inauguration

Photo credit: Wikipedia) This year’s inauguration day represents something far different from the one that took place four years ago. While we heard about hope and change from a first term President Obama we now know that this vision for…

No Knockout Punch In Foreign Policy Debate

Tonight’s debate was comparable to last week’s town hall – neither candidate managed to deliver a convincing win like Romney in the first debate, but Obama finished with a slight edge. Judging by the first fifteen minutes of the debate,…