Tag Archives: journal

Washington, Silicon Valley and the beauty of spontaneous order

Most of life happens without a central planner. Yet people think we need one. Suppose you’d never seen a skating rink, and I told you that I want to lay down some ice and charge people money to strap sharp…

People are flipping for AcroYoga

Trust is a key component in AcroYoga, as with this bow pose which had me high off the ground. (Mimi Towle) Tired of hatha or hot yoga? ; A new kind of partner-based practice perches yogis on one another, sending…

Estudio Pew muestra dramáticas diferencias en medios en que confían liberales y conservadores

NUEVA YORK – Conservadores y liberales no solo tienen visiones políticas distintas, también difieren profundamente en las fuentes en que confiar y creer, dijo una encuesta. Los liberales prefieren CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio y The New York Times, pero…

Lacking Leadership On Ukraine — And Everywhere Else

As of late, there have been a series of scathing criticisms of current US foreign policy, especially concerning our inaction in Ukraine. The Economist asked, “What would America fight for?” Unsurprisingly, the answer was far from clear. As the editorial…

Celebrating the restoration of the emergency center at my hospital — NYU Langone Medical Center

Ken Langone, chairman of the Board of Trustees at the NYU Langone Medical Center, the New York City hospital center named after him, was being treated for pneumonia on the 11th floor of the facility when Superstorm Sandy flooded the…

IRS considers taxing work perks like food, gym memberships

In competitive job markets like Silicon Valley, companies are doing everything they can to entice the best and brightest — offering freebies that have become the stuff of legend. ; Employee perks like free food at lavish cafeterias, laundry and…

Looking Ahead To 2016: Enough About The Candidates, What About The Message?

Douglas E. Schoen and Jessica Tarlov If today’s paper was any guide, you’d think that the 2016 presidential election was just around the corner and not years down the road. Former Obama advisor David Axelrod took to Twitter to remind…

The Failure Of ObamaCare And What It Means For The Democratic Party

New internal government data revealed in the Wall Street Journal yesterday shows that the Obama administration hasn’t just fallen short of their goal to enroll 500,000 Americans in private plans in October, they’re not even in the ballpark. Fewer than…

Underground ice wall is Japan’s latest hope for stemming Fukushima leaks

Barriers built to contain the contaminated water used to cool the melted reactors have not stopped hundreds of tons of radiation-laden water per day from getting into the Pacific Ocean. (Fox News) Workers can only toil inside the most dangerous…

Men — the new second class citizens

In November of last year, I wrote an article for Fox News called The War on Men (which I subsequently expanded to an eBook). To keep it pithy, in the piece I focused on one effect of this war: the…