Tag Archives: king

Why some moms are asking doctors to delay cutting their baby’s umbilical cord

As more pregnant women are becoming educated about the many childbirth choices they have, experts agree they’re adding one more preference to their birth plans: delayed cord clamping. When Anna Lane of Los Angeles, Calif., was pregnant with her first…

Foundations plan to pay news media to cover radical UN agenda

Oct. 16, 2012: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (L), U.N. Foundation founder and chairman Ted Turner (C) and former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan pose as they celebrate the 15th anniversary of Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to the U.N. at the…

Rand Paul defends his filibuster against the Patriot Act

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” May 21, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. ANDREA TANTAROS, GUEST HOST: Senator Rand Paul took a big stand against the renewal of the Patriot…

Another day of damaging disclosures for Hillary

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Another day of damaging disclosures for Hillary• Press boycotted Bush 41 canned campaign events• Jeb hits Dubya on spending• Heed the bugler’s call• Shizzle but not…

Where’s the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?

Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy. Don’t people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run…

The day President Bush’s tears spilled onto a Marine’s face at Walter Reed

Editor’s note: The following column is excerpted from Fox News anchor and political analyst Dana Perino’s new book, “And the Good News Is… Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side” (Twelve, April 21, 2015). News of America’s military men and…

A tale of two politicians who hate the press: Obama attacks, Hillary hides

Most politicians occasionally get upset at the media. But few demonstrate as much contempt for journalists as do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sometimes it appears they’d prefer a state-run media rather than a free press. For example, last week…

Feds go after motorcycle gang members – by claiming rights to their logo

The trademarked logo of Southern California’s largest motorcycle gang is unmistakable: a black-and-white image of 12th Century conqueror Genghis Khan, wearing sunglasses and bell bottoms riding a chopper while carrying a sword. For the club’s 600 fully patched members, the…

Hillary hush as domestic spying vote nears

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Hillary hush as domestic spying vote nears• Bush bash: Kasich says Iraq ‘bungled from the beginning’• Power Play: GOP’s Iraq challenge• Bush campaign cautiously deploys Jeb’s…

Reporter’s Notebook: Getting closer to Clinton, but still so far away

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa – I was closer to the likely Democratic presidential nominee this morning than I have been since she launched her campaign 37 days ago – just a few feet away – but I’m still not holding out…