Tag Archives: league

Amid latest release of emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign makes public tax and medical details

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton waves as she is introduced before speaking to the National Urban League, Friday, July 31, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee) (The Associated Press) WASHINGTON – Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband…

Palestinians buck US, put UN resolution before Security Council demanding Israel withdraw from West Bank

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pressed the resolution despite US opposition. (AP Photo/Luis Romero) Arab nations backed Palestinians Wednesday, putting a resolution before the UN Security Council Wednesday that would demand an Israeli pullout from the West Bank and East Jerusalem…

Immigration amnesty will hurt Obama’s most loyal supporters: African-Americans

President Obama officially unveiled his new Executive Order giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants Thursday evening. ; What’s so amazing about this stunning news, coming less than three weeks after a historic Republican landslide and repudiation of Obama’s policies,…

Drama surrounding Met’s Klinghoffer opera playing out on and off stage

The political conflict between Jews and Arabs is now being played out both on the opera stage and behind the curtain. Just last week, New York’s Metropolitan Opera, by all accounts the gold standard of the international opera world, canceled…

Why women still need husbands

Over the past several decades, America has witnessed a profound change in the way women view men and marriage. It began with the baby boomer adage “never depend on a man.” This message resulted in a generation of women who…

What small business owners want you to know

During National Small Business Week, politicians and bureaucrats give a lot of lip service to small business. But you might wonder what the small-business community itself might say if they themselves had the podium this week. Here’s what I think…

Remembering Kristallnacht when anti-Semitism is on the decline

On the night of November 9, 1938, SA Stormtroopers, encouraged and supported by thousands of German civilians, took to the streets of Nazi Germany and Austria, burning synagogues, attacking Jewish-owned businesses and buildings, and murdering 91 people in what came…

White House Spent $23M of Taxpayer Money to Back Kenyan Constitution That Legalizes Abortion, GOP Reps Say

May 15, 2010: Kenyan supporters cheer at a rally in capital Nairobi to launch campaigns for the constitution referendum. (Reuters) A Republican lawmaker is accusing the White House of “unconscionable” and “illegal” acts for its role in Kenya’s referendum on…