Tag Archives: legislation

Farmers, ranchers battle Oregon lawmakers over bill to restrict animal antibiotics

Farmers and ranchers in Oregon are locked in a battle with lawmakers who want to restrict their ability to give antibiotics to their animals — as part of a first-in-the-nation push to crack down on the alleged overuse of the…

Wake Up, America: It’s time to audit the Federal Reserve

As a conservative I follow the constitution. In fact, I carry a copy of the constitution in my pocket. And I’m certainly not one of those squishy conservatives who believes the document is a living and breathing thing, up for…

Changing ‘normal’ for foster care’s used and abused children

They normalize the experience of being used for financial gain? Isn’t that slavery? Who would say such a thing? Is that an actual quote? These are the words of Ms. Withelma “T” Ortiz Walker Pettigrew as she testified before Congress…

Obama’s Truman Strategy Will Not Work

President Obama’s news conference today on jobs and the economy offered nothing new. He blamed the Congress and Republicans specifically. The president’s remarks on the economy and Congress echo President Truman’s on the ‘Do-Nothing’ Republican Congress. On the surface, the…

Obama may blame GOP for a bad jobs report but it’s no subsitute for leadership

President Obama’s news conference Friday on jobs and the economy offered the American public nothing new. He blamed the Congress and Republicans specifically for our woes. ; The president’s remarks on the economy and Congress echo President Truman’s on the…