Tag Archives: liberal

For winning debate formula, look to Britain

When it comes to debates, the Oxford Union, which bills itself as the “world’s most prestigious debating society,” remains the gold standard. Begun in 1823, The Union, in modern times, has hosted debates that have included such luminaries as Ronald…

Liberal media mocks Republican presidential candidates with "clown car" diss

Republicans never win with the media. Nominate a rich, old, white guy and media outlets complain he’s old and out of touch. Have the most vibrant and diverse field of candidates either party might have had in history? It’s a…

Why I don’t believe the April jobs report (and you shouldn’t either)

It’s getting really embarrassing. It’s hard to believe this is America. The mainstream media no longer prints the truth, they just print whatever lies make Obama look best. Are we living in a Banana Republic, where the media covers-up for…

House Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

The latest battle between Republicans and Democrats over the spending bill was anticlimactic in comparison to the past. For starters, the drama really only lasted a week – a far shorter period of time than we’ve seen legislators go at…

Read an excerpt from Deneen Borelli’s new book — ‘Blacklash’

Editor’s note: FoxNews.com is pleased to present an excerpt from “Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation” the new book by Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli. The Dangers of an Unhealthy Liberal Agenda There…

Why Journalists Can’t Stop Speaking About ‘Conservatives’

“If you hooked network news reporters and producers to polygraph machines and asked them,’Do you think you are guilty of liberal bias?’ most would almost certainly answer,’No.’ And they would pass the polygraph test because they’re not lying. They honestly…

Matt Damon’s Silly Teacher Rant

Actor Matt Damon is a walking public-service reminder to immunize your children early and often against La-La Land disease.In Damon’s world, all public-school teachers are selfless angels. Government workers and Hollywood entertainers are impervious to economic incentives. Anyone who disagrees…