Tag Archives: line

Facing the statistics: What we can all learn from one mom battling cancer

This image shows metastasized human breast cancer cells (magnified 400 times, stained brown) in lymph nodes. (National Cancer Institute) National Cancer Survivors Day has come and gone. This past Sunday was the 28th year set aside to celebrate worldwide the…

Supreme Court: Making threats on Facebook is no reason to go to jail

Making threatening comments in rap lyrics on Facebook is not sufficient cause to determine that a real threat exists and sentencing someone to prison, the U.S. Supreme Court said Monday in its first ruling regarding freedom of expression on the…

Colossal solar flare, strongest of 2013, shoots from sun

This image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a colossal X1.7-class solar flare erupting from the sun at 10:17 p.m. EDT on May 12, 2013 (Mother’s Day). It is the strongest solar flare of 2013 so far. (NASA/SDO) The sun…