Tag Archives: medicare-part

With Seniors’ Healthcare At Risk, Congress Cannot Strike Midnight Deal

This past Thursday, reports started to emerge that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were getting closer to an agreement on overall government spending. The rumored plan included a two year raise of budget…

Protecting Medicare Part D From Government Intervention

It’s no secret that President Obama’s healthcare law continues to struggle despite the administration touting eight million sign-ups and 13 million people getting coverage during the first enrollment season. The administration is still struggling to get millennials to sign-up –…

As ObamaCare Continues To Struggle, Medicare Part D Keeps Shining

Yesterday, President Obama’s pick to be the next health secretary, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, faced questions over the troubled healthcare law. Burwell pledged to recoup any federal taxpayer dollars that were misused on failed health sign-up websites in states including Maryland…

Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Democrats and Republicans are still struggling to pass a 2014 budget, and have been unable to agree on where, and by how much, federal spending should be cut. Furthermore, the deadline is approaching: Congress has…