Tag Archives: mitt romney

Keep An Eye On Seniors

As President Obama and Governor Romney prepare to meet face to face in what can be described as an increasingly favorable political climate for Democrats, both sides admit that the polls will tighten in the final weeks leading up to…

Despite Romney’s Gaffes, The Presidential Race Is Tightening

Don’t count him out yet. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) The race for the presidency is getting closer and closer by the day. While last week it looked like it could be a runaway victory for President Obama, new…

Where Romney Went Wrong

There has been tremendous speculation over the past week as to what Romney really meant when he made his now infamous 47% comment. What is for certain is that Romney grossly misrepresented the Americans he lumped into this group in…

Paul Ryan’s Polling Problem

The nomination of Paul Ryan puts an important issue—the country’s fiscal direction—on the table. It also indicates that Team Romney realizes this issue matters and must be addressed in the campaign. However, it is not entirely clear that Ryan’s selection…

Paul Ryan As VP Pick: A Bold Move, But Is It A Wise One?

Move up http://i.forbesimg.com tMove down What Does Paul Ryan Believe In? Kenneth Rapoza Contributor Romney/Ryan ’12: Nothing As It Seems James Poulos Contributor Cash Makes Romney Stronger Than People Realize Doug Schoen Contributor The selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt…

A campaign truly about nothing

  Last Friday’s employment numbers — with 163,000 jobs created in July, and the jobless rate rising to 8.3% — were neither uplifting nor surprising. These came on the heels of last week’s Fed report that the economy grew only…

The June Jobs Report Will Have A Greater Impact On President Obama’s Standing Than The Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling

Move up http://i.forbesimg.com tMove down New Poll: Both Parties Face Key Challenges In Wake of Supreme Court’s Obamacare Ruling Doug Schoen Contributor Cronyism At Its Worst In Mongolia Doug Schoen Contributor What The Obamacare Ruling Means For Campaign 2012 Doug…

The Supreme Court’s Mixed Ruling On Immigration Could Divide Us Further As A Nation

By striking down many components of the Arizona immigration law that sought to deter illegal immigration, while leaving in place the controversial provision requiring that authorities check the immigration status of anyone they detain who’s reasonably suspected of being in…